Talk:Open Season (2006 film)

[Boog and Max walk through the forest] Do you think the forest is a good place for a bear? No Max no. Have I not told you two thousand times?! [Max looks at Boog's back] Hey. What is that stuffed teddy bear? His name is Dinkleman. Now leave him alone. [They spot a beaver Bridge] Okay everyone. One stick, then another stick. Okay, give me three sticks! Hello there. We are here to get out of this Forest. Oh no. Everyone dive into the water! [One by one, each beaver jumps into the water] Oh boy. We gotta hide! But first, cross this Beaver Bridge! [Boog starts crossing the beaver Bridge] Hey! Stop! You don't know it is made of sticks! [Suddenly, Boog falls through the beaver bridge and gets stuck] You're stuck! Great! Now you're blocking my path! Why you little-! [Boog grabs Max's neck angrily] [Suddenly the beaver Bridge breaks] WHOAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! [The beaver leader Max and boog fall into the water] [Max and boog emerge with a log from underwater] Now it's a good thing that we have a boat! Quick look out! [They crash into two skunks in a burrow log, then some ducks who are swimming in the River, then some deers] This sure is like a bumpy ride. [The hunter drives in his Hunter killing truck] There they are! There he is! I should never have gone the extra diapers! Boog! What now?! I'm trying to steer this log! There is a cute little porcupine biting my nose! Well we can get it off when we reach the Shore. No we're not! [The hunter arrives to block their path] [Then he notices the river rapid] Uh oh! Crash! [The log hits the truck sending Boog Max and the porcupine flying] [They land in the water] [Underwater, are the animals. The man sees every animal then notices Boog and Max. Max waves to him. The hunter growls in anger. Max runs out of Airline and swims to the log. Dinkleman who was soaking wet during the bumpy river rapid ride floats away from boog's back.] Dinkleman noooo! [Max gasps for air. After climbing up to the log, he discovers that boog didn't make it in time] Boog! Where are you man?! [Underwater, Boog is floating around trying to get to the surface. He soon runs out of Airline. Max finds him and uses his deer hand to grab Boog's paws] Everything's going to be okay! We're going to die! It looks like that boogeyman is coming for us! There you are! I knew I should never have found you! [Suddenly a wave appears] He's gone! Oh there he is! He's now gone! Oh there he is! He's gone again! And there he is! [The hunter gets his killing gunshot. There is nothing Boog and Max could do. Suddenly they plunge downward] What the-?! Whoooooooaaaaaaa!! [He realizes it's a waterfall. He falls down the waterfall too along with his gunshot and his truck. Meanwhile, Boog and Max are busy screaming] Quickly get on this! Hey stop! We're going to die! Here is this log! [But they realize they are falling down to the bottom of the waterfall] AAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!! [Meanwhile a group of bunnies noticed a waterfall crash] [Water comes from beneath their holes] [The bunnies fall into the water. Every animal from underwater are busy floating to the shore. Meanwhile boog and Max are busy paddling exhausted to the shore. They make it and lie down on the Rocks coughing and sputtering] [Panting] You alright buddy? Yes. Wait I spot Dinkleman. Dinkleman we're okay. wake up! [But it is just a bunny rabbit. Boog and Max look around to the animals soaking wet from all around them. The bunnies are busy staggering up to the water coughing the last bits of water from their mouth. The skunks are busy jumping from their burrow. The burrow sinks. Max then discovers the beavers helping the unconscious Beaver leader from the water. The duck from earlier with the other duck is busy giving CPR to the other duck. The porcupines quills stick to a tree. The group of deers shake their fur dry. The beaver leader who had regained Consciousness looks at one stick. He becomes enraged of the broken Beaver Bridge] You. This is your fault. You broke the bridge. Now we have nothing. Nothing at all! Yeah where are we going to hide? Our feathers are too cold! Yeah and we deers cannot leap through the river. Yeah and it's too cold out here in the Open Season. Max you said you could lead me out of this Forest. But you lied. The hunter is going to find me and kill me. I didn't mean for it to happen. I was just trying to help. First you got an attitude with me. Second you bothered me because you have a stupid porcupine in your nose. Third you made me lost Dinkleman. We can find him and then bring him back here right? You are the most worstest friend I ever known. No don't go. [But Boog has already left. A song called underneath the same sky by a song man sings it. The animals sad and heartbroken how they were treated to Boog walk away with Max disappointed of how he had betrayed boog. A picture of Boog the bear cub and his Rescue Animal Ranger flies into the truck into the hunters truck] [Meanwhile, Boog is shivering and soaking wet. He finds a shelter and decides to take it] I wonder what this shelter belongs to. Oh well maybe I can just go inside. Wow it's amazing inside! Dinkleman! There you are. Come on. Let's take you home. Wait a second. It's the Hunter! I have to go tell the animals.

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