Talk:Mount Rushmore

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  • Rob Marciano "Barack Obama is campaigning in South Dakota. That state's primary is Tuesday. Obama arrived there late last night and got a good look around Mt. Rushmore -- it's quite a sight if you haven't seen it."
    Betty Nguyen "Barack Obama is in South Dakota today. He arrived there last night. Take a look at this. He got a good glimpse of the majestic Mount Rushmore."
  • He also waded into the controversy over the legacies of George Washington and Thomas Jefferson, two presidents etched into Mount Rushmore. He delivered his own history lesson of sorts on each of the White men chiseled into the South Dakota mountain.
    The Black Hills, where the monument stands, are a sacred place to Native Americans who live in the area. Sioux tribes roamed the area for thousands of years, but tribal ownership of the Black Hills was officially guaranteed by the 1868 Treaty of Fort Laramie. The Sioux were soon forced off the land after the discovery of gold in the area. Native American activists have called for the lands to be returned. In 1980, the Supreme Court upheld that the seizure of the Black Hills was illegal under the Fifth Amendment. The legal battle continues to this day. In this moment of racial reckoning, the racist past of Gutzon Borglum, the sculptor who created Rushmore and was also a member of the Ku Klux Klan, has also drawn national attention. Borglum was also appointed to carve the giant relief of three of the most prominent Confederate figures, Jefferson Davis and Generals Robert E. Lee and Thomas J. "Stonewall" Jackson on Georgia's Stone Mountain.
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