Many things are not well understood by us not because our concepts are weak, but because those things lay outside of our concepts
Многие вещи нам непонятны не потому, что наши понятия слабы; но потому, что сии вещи не входят в круг наших понятий
Throwing pebbles into the water, look at the ripples they form on the surface. Otherwise this activity will be an empty amusement.
Where is the beginning of the end that comes at the end of the beginning?
If you have a fountain, shut it down. Let even a fountain have a rest.
If you see a "buffalo" sign on an elephant's cage, do not trust your eyes.
If ever asked: What's more useful, the sun or the moon, respond: The moon. For the sun only shines during daytime, when it's light anyway, whereas the moon shines at night.