Talk:Jessica Mae Stover



The Interviews: Director Jessica Mae Stover Talks About Artemis Eternal and Hollywood, 2010 [1]

  • Maybe it’s counter to your philosophy--as it is to mine--to want to sell people things they don’t need, that will end up in landfills. Maybe you would actually like to make money off of creating art--which is your job. Maybe you don’t want to be in the advertising business.
  • You can make the most brilliant thing in the world, and that 'if you build it, they will come' thing isn’t true. That’s because you need a marketing budget. Everything is propaganda..
  • The Internet as a great leveler is a myth. There is so much noise, it actually costs more to cut through the muddy waters and get your message out there.
  • I see it as a renaissance we’re hoping for in filmmaking. It’s a way of life, it’s a philosophy
  • The film, to me, is a story that is about the limitations that society puts on the individual, what’s your breaking point and how do you react to that. Which is at least a little meta, given what we’re doing with the project.
    • About the story of ARTEMIS ETERNAL
  • Light is the burden of the torchbearer.
  • Movement is a prelude to destiny.
Quotes about Jessica Mae Stover
  • Jessica Mae Stover is a force of nature. She is something like a hurricane or a tornado; she is an unstoppable force fueled by her passion and her vision and her belief. She is a revolutionary.
    • The One Ring Interview [3]
  • Like many of us, she sees the mammoth movie studios and much of what they churn out, and she knows something is broken. Like most of us, she loves the cinematic experience but feels that commerce, company and committees are directly defiling the quality of what we see in a theater. Unlike the rest of us, she isn’t content to accept the way things are; she is out to change the world.
    • The One Ring Interview [4]
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