Sylvia Rosila Tamale is a Ugandan academic, and human rights activist in Uganda. She was the first woman dean in the law faculty at Makerere University, Uganda.

Professor Sylvia Tamale


  • Despite the debilitating legacies of slavery and colonialism that continue to hold our continent and perpetuate global geopolitical and economic imbalances, I think Africa will inevitably rise like those many heads of the hydra whereby you strike one and another one that is twice as strong emerges.
  • I believe in a just a fair world, where I am not subservient to another because we differ in color, gender, sexual orientation, religion, age.
  • Our feminism is not qualified by the "Buts ,Ifs Or However" ..You are either a feminist or you are not.
  • Definitely. I think African futurism and the interdisciplinary genre and movement hold a lot of promise for the imaginaries of our people.
  • Now, never underestimate the power of the mind. What African futurism does is harness that power into action. It empowers us to craft the future that we want.
  • Africa will inevitably rise like those many heads of the hydra, but first it needs a decolonial break from the tether that ties its economies to the global capitalist market.
  • Colonialism maintains a stranglehold on knowledge production through an elaborate publication infrastructure largely based in the global North...[to] gatekeep what qualifies as "legitimate" publishable knowledge.
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