Sylvia Browne

American author, psychic and medium (1936-2013)

Sylvia Browne (October 19, 1936November 20, 2013) was a self-proclaimed psychic and medium, the author of numerous books on spirituality.


  • Well, I don't even want his million dollars. I don't want his million dollars. I mean, the reason I came on is because he kept you know, my web site, yeah, yeah, and said I would never come on and face him. But I don't care about his million dollars. I mean, I don't need his million.
    • Referring to James Randi's offer of $1 million dollars to test her psychic ability.
    • September 3, 2001 Larry King Live, CNN interview
  • You know, bad people, I've never seen bad people have angels. That's interesting you should ask that, because I've never seen angels around bad people.
  • A ghost, Larry, is someone who hasn't made it -- in other words, who died, and they don't know they're dead. So they keep walking around and thinking that you're inhabiting their -- let's say, their domain. So they're aggravated with you.
    • December 5, 2003 Larry King Live, CNN Interview
  • Noory: [Referring to the Sago Mine disaster] Of course, this is after the fact, with the 12 or 13 coal miners they found successfully.
Browne: I know.
Noory: Had you been on the program today, and had they not been found, would you have felt as if, because they had heard no sounds, that this was a very gloomy moment, and they might have all died?
Browne: No, I knew they were going to be found. Uh, you know, I hate people who say something after the fact. It's just like I knew when the Pope was dead and I said it on, thank God I was on Montel's show, and I said, according to the time, it was 9-something and whatever Rome time was, and I said he's gone, and he was.

Quotes about Browne

  • Let's look back to just one particularly cruel hoax perpetrated by this woman Browne. Years ago on Montel Williams' show, she spoke to the grandmother of a local missing child, a six-year-old named Opal Jo Jennings who disappeared from her home in north Texas in March of 1999. Browne told the distraught woman that the child was still alive but had been sold into white slavery and was currently being held in Japan. She even gave a city name, but there is no such city in Japan. Moving ahead three years and nine months, we find that the body of little Opal was recovered — just seven weeks ago; she had been killed by a blow to the head. Currently, there is a man in prison in Texas who has confessed to, and been convicted of, Opal Jo's abduction and murder.
  • It's difficult to get involved with her, I try to get her out of my mind as much as possible, but the evil that she spews out there, and the damage she does to people - unsuspecting people that are in crisis situations - is just atrocious.
  • "Can you tell me if they'll ever find her?" Mom asks. "Is she out there?"
    Then Sylvia says: "I hate this when they're in water. I just hate this. She's not alive, honey."
    What? Why did she say that?
    Mom's face just drops. I start crying and shouting at the TV. I'm not dead! I'm alive and I'm right here!
    ... She is a fraud. Now my poor mother is going to be convinced I'm dead, because she trusts Sylvia. This is going to crush her. She has to ignore what she was told and keep believing I'm alive and fighting to bring me home. If she doesn't, how can I keep hoping?
    • Amanda Berry, kidnapping victim, on seeing Browne tell her mother that she was dead on The Montel Williams Show (2004-11-17), in Amanda Berry and Gina DeJesus, Hope: A Memoir of Survival in Cleveland (2015)
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