Swallows and Amazons

book by Arthur Ransome

Swallows and Amazons is a truly delightful tale both as a film, and as a book. The book is the first in the Swallows and Amazons series by Arthur Ransome.

This story follows the Walker children (John, Susan, Titty and Roger), who sail a borrowed dinghy named Swallow, and the Blackett children (Nancy and Peggy), who sail a dinghy named Amazon. The Walkers are staying at a farm near a lake during the school holidays and want to camp on an island in the lake; the Blacketts live in a house nearby. The children meet on the island which they call Wild Cat Island, and have a series of adventures, involving sailing, camping, fishing, exploration and piracy.

The story, set in 1930, includes a good deal of everyday Lakeland life from the farmers to charcoal burners working in the woods; canned meat, which the children fancifully refer to as pemmican , and ginger ale and lemonade, which they call grog, appear as regular food stuff for the campers; island life also allows for occasional references to the story of Robinson Crusoe. Captain Flint, the Blackett's uncle James Turner, appears in some ways to be modelled on Ransome himself.


  • This is Wild Cat Island. We've been here years and years. - Nancy Blackett, Swallows and Amazons
  • What shall we call the bay where we were today?- Titty Walker, Swallows and Amazons
  • What about 'The Bay Where We Fished'? - Roger Walker, Swallows and Amazons
  • No. Shark Bay - for Roger's great catch! - Titty Walker, Swallows and Amazons
  • Where's Susan?" - John Walker, Swallows and Amazons
  • She's still asleep. - Titty Walker, Swallows and Amazons
  • No she's not... And she's going bathing! - Susan Walker, Swallows and Amazons.
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