Stefan Soroka

Canadian archbishop

Stefan Soroka (13 November 1951 –) is a Canadian prelate of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church who served as the Archbishop of the Archeparchy of Philadelphia.

Quotes edit

  • The Church is richer for it; we have something to offer one another in our spirituality, our prayer and our journey to come closer to our Lord. It's important for Eastern Catholics to take on our duty to inform the Latin Church more, and for the Latin Church to become more aware of this other "lung" of the Church. This would also then help us ecumenically with the Orthodox world.
  • Next time you feel alone or think that no one really understands your secret thoughts, take heart. Someone does know how you feel. He is waiting for you in the calm lonely eye of the stormy crowd. He went through his Palm Sunday experience alone, so that you will not have to go through yours the same way. Even when those around you will not, or cannot understand you, God does!

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