Sri Chand

Guru Nanak's son

Sri Chand (8 September 1494 – 13 January 1629; Gurmukhi: ਸ੍ਰੀ ਚੰਦ), also referred to as Baba Sri Chandra or Bhagwan Sri Chandra, was the founder of the Udasi sect of ascetic Sadhus.


  • Khiljis, Tughlaqs, Lodhis, Saiyads, Suris and then Moghuls established their rules forcibly. They massacred people, covered the earth with cut heads. The land appeared to wear the veil of the blood of innocents. Mosques were constructed on the birthplace of Rama and Krishna. The Shivalinga of Kashi entered a well. Temples have been destroyed, Murtis broken. What will happen tomorrow now -- who knows. Oh Lord, when will you come to protect the weak?
    • Sri Chand, in : Priyatam Prakashan. (2000). p. 103. Views and Vision of Acharya Srichandra / Ācārya Śrīcandra kī Dārśanik Vicāradhārā, Udasin Ashram, Akhada Sangalwala, Bazar Mai Seva, Amritsar. quoted in Elst K, The Ayodhyā Twist: A Hypothesis Modifying the New Consensus about its History
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