Spud 3: Learning to Fly

Spud 3: Learning to Fly is a 2014 South African comedy film, and the second sequel to the 2010 film Spud following Spud 2: The Madness Continues (2013).

Directed by John Barker and written by John van de Ruit, based on his novel Spud: Learning to Fly.

Mr. Richardson

  • Now listen here... especially you, Mr. Black!! Some of you may know me as Mr. Richardson. Others may know me as the Viking. But I'd rather you thought of me as your worst bloody nightmare!! Ugly boys! Fat boys! Long stupid, skinny boys!!
  • I'm aware of the unsavory incidents at this house last year, and I shall not be falling into the same traps. A school scholarship is a gift, Milton, not an entitlement.


Mr. Richardson: I don't have much time, so I'll be frank. You've read the letter?
John Milton: Yes, sir.
Richardson: I'm aware of the unsavory incidents at this house last year, and I shall not be falling into the same traps. A school scholarship is a gift, Milton, not an entitlement.
Milton: Yes, sir. Um... I was the lead in school play, sir.
Richardson: That was nearly two years ago. Since then, your academic record has been uninspiring, your sporting prowess has been underwhelming, and your general attitude in behavior has been appalling!
Milton: Sir, look, I just want you to understand that if I... if I drop out of school, I might have to join the army.
Richardson: I doubt that, Milton. The military has certain physical requirements, and being over 100 pounds is surely one of them! I do concede that your future would be uncertain.
Milton: But sir, how do I win back my scholarship?
Richardson: Prove to me that you're someone worth investing in. Achieve. Bring glory to the school and to the house.
Milton: I'll try my best, sir.
Richardson: You could, of course, become a house prefect. A leadership in position next year would ensure your scholarship.
Milton: And how do I become a house prefect, sir?
Richardson: By proving to me that you're superior to your peers.


  • Troye Sivan as Spud
  • John Cleese as The Guv
  • Caspar Lee as Garlic
  • Sven Ruygrok as Rambo
  • Blessing Xaba as Fatty
  • Genna Blair as Mermaid
  • Travis Hornsby as Boggo
  • Aaron McIlroy as Spud's Dad
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Spud franchise
  Films     Spud  (2010) · Spud 2: The Madness Continues  (2013) · Spud 3: Learning to Fly  (2014)