Sonic Prime

American CGI-animated television series

Sonic Prime is an animated television series based on the Sonic the Hedgehog video game series, co-produced by Sega of America, Netflix Animation, WildBrain Studios and Man of Action Entertainment. It is the sixth animated television series based on the franchise, and shares continuity with the main video game series.

Season 1




[episode opens in Green Hill, where Sonic dashes by, collecting six Rings which were floating above the ground. In another portion of Green Hill, Big the Cat is slowly walking with Froggy on his head. Sonic speeds right by him, causing the cat to spin, and toss his fishing rod into the air..]

Big: Woah!

[Sonic dashes back to Big, and stabilizes him to prevent him from falling over. Big's fishing rod lands back in his hand.]

Sonic the Hedgehog: Sorry, Big. Sorry, Froggy. Can't chat, gotta go help our friends! [Sonic dashes off]
Big: No problem, Sonic! [Big waves in Sonic's direction. Froggy makes a croaking sound.]

"The Yoke's on You"


[Sonic was on his way to join his friends until Shadow takes on him]

Sonic: [voice over] So, I know what you're thinking, "Sonic has a twin brother?!" Well, no. [The camera pans in on Shadow] This guy right here is Shadow, and he's kinda my biggest rival. [A thumbnail appears. It shows Shadow busting open a rock] He's also a real buzz-kill. And by the way, he roller-skates! [A second thumbnail appears, showing Shadow skating with his Air Shoes. He seems to take notice of Sonic's voice over comment on his shoes]
Shadow: [On the second thumbnail] They're Air Shoes.

Renegade Knucks: The blue streak has a friend?
Rebel Rouge: Didn't look friendly. But whoever he is, he's involved now.

"Escape From New Yoke"

Sonic: In case of emergency, always use the stairs.

"Unwelcome to the Jungle"

Thorn Rose: Magnificent!

[The camera shows a shot of the Green Shard.]

Sonic: Yeah, it's pretty, but trust me, this thing is--
Thorn Rose: Mine!

"Barking Up The Wrong Tree"

[Birdie flies up and out of the Great Green roaming freely around the jungle.]
Sonic: [To Mangey Tails] You, too. You just gotta spin your little tails.
[Mangey Tails chitters and tries to spin his tails, and succeeds. He laughs and flies up next to Birdie. Thorn Rose chuckles while still sad.]
Thorn Rose: It got so dark, I lost myself. It was selfish to keep Birdie from flying while trying to shut... [to the rest of the Scavengers] you all out.
[Sonic, who can be seen in the background, smiles as he hears her say that. He walks over to her.]
Sonic: [To Thorn Rose] You were right to defend the jungle, but the thing is, this jungle is unnatural. The Shard, it knocked everything out of balance, including your friendships.
Thorn Rose: How do we start over?
Sonic: Well, my friend Amy would say, "Talk to each other." But she's a little corny.

[They both stand up.]

Thorn Rose: I don't know. She sounds pretty great.
Sonic: Yeah. You are.

"Situation: Grim"

Dr. Deep: He's using our Shard's energy to teleport somehow.
Mr. Dr. Eggman: He's not teleporting. That fox has figured out how to travel to other worlds. The plan has changed. We need to capture that craft. Deep, Babble, full volley at the rebel HQ. [Dr. Deep and Dr. Babble follow orders and leave] I'll lure the fox away. Don't, Done-It, prepare the mothership.

[Mr. Dr. Eggman moves back into his cockpit. The camera cuts to Dr. Don't and Dr. Done-It, the latter shaking his head looking at him.]

Dr. Don't: Yeah. Fine. Whatevs.

[While the plane flies high, Sonic watches the ongoing battle from a Bird's eye view.]

Sonic: I'll take 'em low. You take 'em high.
Tails Nine: Already on it.

"It Takes One to No Place"


[A portal opens in the sky in a world Sonic has never entered before. He comes falling out of it, screaming.]

Sonic: Whoa! Not again! Wait, is that water? Please, don't be water... Please, don't be water... Please, don't be water... That's water. Just when things couldn't get any worse! [Spots a bit of land below] Wait, is that land?! [Begins swimming midair] Almost... there...! [Sonic splashes into the water, close to the island.] [Muffled] So close. [He gets up, coughing and gasping for air. He brushes off his fur, which is wet from his fall into the water.] Okay. Stay calm. One minute, I was looking for Nine, then I saw that gnarly ship and then, somehow... [Turns around, looking into the distance. He realizes he's in an entirely different place.] Wait, where am I? How did I get... [He sits down, with the camera looking at his POV. He can be seen looking at his shoes, which have been transformed again thanks to the Regulators.] Ah! Wonder what these guys do.

"There's No ARRGH in Team"


[Black Rose and Rusty see each other for the first time, and gasp in shock]

Both: (unison) Who is that?

[Sonic screams as he falls into the Void. Shadow kicks a glass asteroid, which hits Sonic's back. Sonic groans, rubs his head and stares at Shadow]

Sonic: Shadow? Ugh! I don't have time to deal with whoever you are. I just wanna go home.
Shadow: Home?! Home doesn't exist anymore... [furiously] because of YOU!

[Shadow dives towards Sonic and punches him. Simultaneously, the screen cuts to black, ending the episode]

Season 2


"Avoid the Void"


"Battle in the Boscage"


"Second Wind"


"No Way Out"


"A Madness to Their Methods"


"Double Trouble"


[after they manage to knock out Chaos Sonic, Renegade and Dread address to each other, with the latter shocked to see his counterpart for the first time]

Knuckles the Dread: Shiver me timbers! [points at Renegade] Ye be me!
Renegade Knuckles: [pointing back at Dread] Are you making fun of me?

"Cracking Down"

Batten Rouge: Sonic. You be back. Ye got yer own boat!
Tails Nine: This isn't a boat.
Sails Tails: Technically, anything that floats be a boat.

[Sails and Tails Nine, seeing their counterparts, look at each other surprised.]

Sonic: Actually, we're just passing through. Any chance you could help us out?
Batten Rouge: Helping you out only brings more trouble, [The Yolkomotive appears in the sky.] but if you could sweeten the deal?
Sonic: [looking above] Wouldn't you like another crack at these guys?
Batten Rouge: Argh! They really put the bog in me boots and I've been itching to use the cannons.

[Catfish sets up a cannon for Batten Rouge]

[at the Ghost Hill, Nine encounters the hologram of Tails]

Nine Tails: This is the friend Sonic thought was like me? [scoffs] We're nothing alike.

"Ghost of a Chance"


Season 3


"Grim Tidings"


"Dome Sweet Dome"


"No Escape"


"Nine's Lives"


"Home Sick Home"


"The Devil Is in the Tails"

Tails Nine: [To the Grim Birdies] Let him fall, but catch him before he hits the spire. [They swoop down.] I need that energy.

[As Sonic continues falling, his shoes start glowing. He lands on appearing panel tiles to avoid the spikes.]

Sonic: Huh? I was wondering what these puppies do in this place. [They appear when he puts his foot down.] Get ready for some fancy footwork.

[Sonic peels out along the tiles. Grim Birdies attack him. He ducks under to dodge one of them and jumps over the other one. He starts spinning along the tiles and Homing Attacks both of them. He peels around towards the tower at the top of the citadel and looks at Nine.]

Tails Nine: [grunts] I never should have given you those Regulators.

"From the Top"

Dr. Eggman: You and your furry friends are adorable when you try this hard, hedgehog! But the result is inevitable. [Eggman walks forward and threatens them. To Sonic's curiosity while noticing something behind Eggman, Shadow appears with a fierce look from the entrance to the cave. In his hand, he reveals the green Chaos Emerald, the one he lost. Sonic smiles and nods in agreement as the Eggcrusher walks closer to them] This world is MINE! [Shadow teleports to stand on top of the Paradox Prism, to Eggman's shock] Huh?! Shadow?! What the heck are you doing here?!
Shadow: I am the ultimate life form. I go wherever I want.
Dr. Eggman: Wha-huh?
Shadow: Chaos Control!

[He disappears with the Prism]

Dr. Eggman: [Angrily] NOO!!! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!?!?!

[Sonic jumps onto the Prism's crater]

Sonic: Sorry, Eggman. But when you've got a crew like mine, there's nothing that can stop you.
Dr. Eggman: You haven't heard the last of me, Sonic!
Sonic: [Impersonating Eggman] "You will pay for this in ways you'd never imagine!" [Normally] Yeah, yeah, I heard it a million times, Eggy. And I can't wait for a million and one.
Dr. Eggman: [Occupying Cubot and Orbot with both hands] Cubot! Orbot! We're gonna need a bigger fleet!
Orbot: Sir, yes, sir!
Cubot: Ooh, I've always wanted a bigger fleet!

[Eggman walks out of the cave and jumps out of Temple Mountain. Sonic and his friends cheer in celebration]

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