Sonic Boom/Season 2
Sonic Boom is a CGI children's television series, produced by OuiDo! Productions and Sega of America, Inc. in collaboration with Lagardère Thématiques and Jeunesse TV, respectively for channels Canal J and Gulli. Based on the Sonic the Hedgehog video games franchise created by Sega, the series is the 5th animated television series based on the franchise (plus the second one to be co-produced in France following Sonic Underground), and the first to be produced in computer-generated animation and in high definition.
Tommy Thunder: Method Actor
editAlone Again, Unnaturally
edit- (At Hedgehog Village, Sonic wakes up from rubble caused by a damaged wall.)
- Sonic: Ugh.... What happened? I haven't felt this horrible ever since I've seen Comedy Chimp's swimsuit calendar. (shudders) November.
- (Sonic gets up, seeing himself wearing a vest.)
- Sonic: And why do I look like a discount-bin action figure?
- (At Tails's workshop...)
- Tails: Okay, guys. I'll be the first to admit that my speed-boost experiments were a tad inconclusive.
- Knuckles: Does "inconclusive" mean the same as "hilarious"?
- Tails: Well, you know what they say: no pain, no gain.
- Sonic: (sarcastically) I'm sorry this was painful for you, Tails.
- Tails: It's okay. Besides, without your broken ribs, I never would've invented this, (reveals a vest and control panel) my Ultra-Sonic Speed Amplifier!
- [beat]
- (The gang gives Tails a lukewarm applause.)
- Tails: Spare me your halfhearted applause. Once you see what this baby can do, your applause will be at least three-quarter-hearted!
- (Tails puts the vest on Sonic)
- Sonic: So, if I wear this thing for six weeks, will my ribs heal properly?
- Tails: No. This control panel will deliver amplification signals into your chest plate, allowing you to reach unparalleled speeds, all using state-of-the-art blast-processing technology!
- Sticks: "Blast-processing technology"? Those are just phony-baloney buzzwords to fool the simple-minded!
- Knuckles: Blast-processing technology?? Oh, gimme, gimme, gimme!
- Tails: Ready to go, Sonic?
- Sonic: Seriously!? After all you put me through this morning...absolutely!!
- (Tails activates the panel, sending Sonic dashing off, faster than usual.)
- Sonic: Wow! It works!
- Tails: (via com unit) How are you feeling, Sonic?
- Sonic: Like a hummingbird on his third espresso! Tails, you're a genius! How about a little more juice?
- Tails: You got it!
- (Back at the workshop, Tails takes a sip from a juice box.)
- Tails: And I'll up the levels, too.
- (Tails increases the power level, increasing Sonic's speed.)
- Sonic: Woo! Faster!
- (Tails increases the levels again, making Sonic fast enough to even jump over the crater!)
- Sonic: (yelling) FASTER!!
- Tails: Uh, I don't think we should--
- Sonic: FASTER!!!!
- (With Sonic's speed increased even further, he runs back to the lab. He dashes around Knuckles, tapping his shoulder to fool him.)
- Knuckles: I know that was you.
- Sonic: It wasn't me. It was him!
- (Sonic dashes again, this time generating an illusory clone waving casually.)
- Knuckles: But him is you.
- Amy: He's going so fast, he's appearing in two places at once!
- Sonic: But we could always go faster! Tails, crank it!!!
- (Sonic begins running out of the lab and toward the village.)
- Tails: I really think we should do more tests before we push the--
- Sonic: DO IT!!!!!
(Tails maxes the levels, causing Sonic to suddenly teleport into an alternate phase of existence, running into the very wall he woke up from. The flashback concludes...)
- Sonic: Think, Sonic -- how did this happen...? Must've been Eggman.
- Sonic: Did you miss me? (Destroys a Badnik)
- Dr. Eggman: Well, this whole plan kinda hinged on your absence, so, no, not really.
I Can Sea Sonic's Fear from Here
edit(At Sonic's shack, the gang lounges around. Tails sets up a chess board to teach Sticks how to play.)
Tails: Alright, let's start with the basics. (Picks up a chess piece) This is a pawn.
Sticks: Don't kid yourself. (Snatches the piece from Tails) We're all pawns in the big chess board of life.
(A tremor is heard, causing an octopus to land on Tails)
Sticks: I'm starting to like this game!
(The gang flies over the ocean, with Knuckles parasailing behind.)
Knuckles: This must be what birds feel like! Look at me! I'm a penguin!
(Soar takes Sonic to the middle of the ocean on a rowboat.)
Soar: If you follow my three-step plan, you'll be in the water in no time. Step one! (Shoves Sonic into the water before using his jet pack to skim away) You'll probably be okay!
Sonic: (splashing in panic) NO! I CAN'T SWIM! Those five-year-olds were right! Cruel, but right.
Tails: Well, Sonic, aren't you glad you overcame your fear?
Sonic: Overcame? Are you crazy?! They've all been magnified tenfold! That was the scariest thing I've ever done! I'm never going near water again.
(Soar suddenly appears.)
Soar: Step two! (Splashes a glass of water at Sonic, causing the hedgehog to send an annoyed stare) Uh, is this a good time to ask for my check?
editKnine-to-5 Knuckles
editGive Bees a Chance
editEggman's Brother
editDo Not Disturb
edit- (The scene opens at Sonic's shack, where we see him sleeping)
- Sonic: (sleep-talking) No, stop! You're pure evil! Why are you coloring my arms!?
- (Some spit lands on Sonic, causing him to wake up and come face-to-face with a gross creature.)
- Sonic: Ahh! (smells the animal) Ugh! You need a bath and a shower. And to get the heck outta my shack! What are you, anyway?
- (The creature bellows, tripping Sonic off his hammock.)
- Beaver: Actually, it's a widabit. A very rare and majestic species.
- Sonic: Doesn't seem so majestic to me.
- (At Meh Burger...)
- Amy: So, how are things at the man cave? You two must be having a blast.
- Sonic: Heck, yeah! I love destroying Tails in Mutant Wrestling every night! Ain't that right, pal?
- Tails: (laughs nervously) Yeah...
- Dave: Order up for..."Sanic".
- Sonic: Uh, I think you mean "Sonic".
- Dave: No, it says "Sanic" right here.
- Sonic: This'll take a minute. (Rushes off)
- Tails: You guys gotta help me! I don't know how much longer I can handle this. Sonic may be my best friend, but living with him is a nightmare! Any idea how much longer the widabit will be staying in Sonic's shack?
- Amy: Could be months. You can't hurry love.
- Tails: But maybe you can push it along...
Robots From the Sky
editPart 1
editPart 2
editPart 3
editPart 4
editIn between "Planes, Trains and Dude-Mobiles" + "Sticks and Amy's Excellent Staycation"
editPlanes, Trains and Dude-Mobiles
edit(The episode opens at Meh Burger, where Knuckles chugs a smoothie.)
Sonic: Go, go, go, go, go!
(Knuckles successfully downs the smoothie.)
Knuckles: Whoo-hoo! (gets a brain freeze) Ahh! Oh.... What did I do to deserve this?!
Tails: Guys! I have some big news!
Knuckles: (gasps) You're getting married?
Tails: What? No. Our band just got booked for a gig!
(Sonic and Knuckles cheer)
Sonic: Just one question: we're in a band?
Tails: Dude-itude, remember? We saved the women of the village from becoming mind-controlled zombies?
(Sonic and Knuckles stare at Tails flatly.)
Tails: We ended Justin Beaver's musical career?
(Sonic and Knuckles continue staring.)
Tails: (flatly) There were crackers in the green room?
Sticks and Amy's Excellent Staycation
editThree Minutes or Less
edit- (At Amy's house, Team Sonic is watching TV together.)
- Detective Wombat: Looks like our killer had the necessary...koala-fications!
(jarring music plays)
- Sonic: Wombat's my favorite character in Marsupial Crime Unit. Sure, his digestion's slow, and so are his reflexes, but he always gets his man!
- Sonic: Alright, next up: a Meh Meal for two... (skids to a stop) ...for Amy Rose?
- (Sonic knocks on her door, and Amy answers, wearing a coy smile and setting up her living room for a romantic ambiance. Oh, boy...)
- Sonic: Hey, Amy. I got your food for you and...Tommy the Ox? Lady Goat? Honestly, I don't even care. It's not like it's you and I--
- Amy: It's for you, Sonic. I thought you'd like a break from work.
- Sonic: 'Kay, but I only got a minute.
- [Sonic quickly devours his burger.]
- Sonic: 'Kay, this was fun. Gotta go, bye!
- (Sonic dashes off. Having failed, Amy's exasperated sigh puts out the candles.)
Return of the Buddy Buddy Temple of Doom
editYou and I Bee-come One
edit- Tails: Finally! My matter transporter is finished!
(Tails is about to press a button, but changes his mind.)
- Tails: Better do a test run, just to be safe.
(Team Sonic is eating at Meh Burger.)
- Amy: I heard Meh Burger removed artificial dyes from their food. Now their patties are naturally gray.
- Tails: (monotone) Hey, guys!
(The gang turns to see a half-Beebot Tails. They all scream in surprise.)
- Sonic: Tails, what happened?
- Tails: Is it that obvious? I was hoping no one would notice.
- Knuckles: Notice what?
- (Tails flies to the cavern containing the trapped Beebots.)
- Tails: I received your messages, my worker bees. (Shuts off the force field as the Beebots gather) Yes! GATHER! SWARM!! FOR I AM THE KING OF THE BEEBOTS!
- (Tails laughs manically as he rallies the Beebots against his friends.)
- Amy: Tails, what's come over you??
- Tails: Gone is the useless fox you all once knew! I finally understand my true power! I've become one with the hive! Beebots, ATTACK YOUR CAPTORS!
Vector Detector [Amy's Missing Hammer]
editReturn to Beyond the Valley of the Cubots [D-Fekt and the Cubots]
editEggman: The Video Game
editPart 1
edit- (After his Eggmobile crashes, the villagefolk boo Eggman.)
- Eggman: He splashed mud on me! Why are you booing me?? Grr! (Stands up, causing the citizens to run away)
- Sonic: Who knew all those years of being a total dillweed would rub people the wrong way?
- (At a canyon, Eggman waits for an old ally of his as he dashes through and stops upon his presence--Shadow the Hedgehog!)
- Eggman: Shadow, I have a proposition for you...
- Shadow: Find some other pawn, Eggman. I'll never work for you again! Now get out of my sight!
- (Eggman sulks away.)
Part 2: The End of the World
edit(As Metal Sonic prepares to send a laser toward Amy, Sticks stabs her staff into the robot's power cell, disabling him! The gang cheer, but Shadow's appearance cuts their celebration short.)
Shadow: Look at you, celebrating like the game's been won. But this is only the beginning...of the end.
Sonic: Okay. Kinda cryptic, Shadow. Mind elaborating on that one?
Shadow: As it turns out, I no longer want my revenge on that lack-wit Eggman. I want revenge on this WHOLE PATHETIC UNIVERSE! So, that's why I took those mustached fools to a secret location.
(The gang sees the Eggmen have gone missing.)
Tails: With both Eggmen in this dimension, a catastrophic anomaly is going to destroy our universe!
Shadow: Now you're catching on. So long, fools. Forever! (Teleports away)
(Once Lord Eggman is sent back, the anomaly abruptly ends. The rest of the gang celebrates! Shadow then appears.)
Shadow: I must say, I'm not thrilled with the results, but I am impressed with how you managed to save the universe. I'll be back, Sonic. But next time, on my terms! (Teleports away)
Eggman: Well, I almost caused the end of the world, but it was so worth it! I got great Yolk Capture footage for my video game!
Orbot: Unfortunately, sir, during the catastrophic anomaly, your evil lair was struck by lightning. It appears that all of your mo-cap files were destroyed.
Eggman: Well, there is always next season.