Sithembiso Nyoni

Zimbabwean politician

Hon. Dr. Sithembiso Gile Gladys Nyoni (born 20 September 1949) is a Zimbabwean politician and a former government minister of Small and Medium Enterprises Development. She is the minister of Women Affairs, Gender and Community Development in Zimbabwe according to Veritas.

Sithembiso Nyoni at UNCTAD eWeek in Geneva in 2023


  • "Zimbabwe has made strides to ensure gender equality through the constitution, but we would like to make further strides through implementation as we still have impunity when it comes to recognition of the need for gender equality."
  • "It is important that we start implementing and not just celebrating policies as the strategy translates the gender equality provisions of the National Gender Policy into workable actions."
  • "Women have a spirit of servitude, ministry, providing for food and bringing solutions where there are no solutions. Women make things happen. It’s important to be deliberate. It’s a ‘you and me’ drive that says women matter. We make up 51 percent of the population so we can’t continue to say women are disadvantaged."
  • "Today there is more acceptance than ever before that women bring different experiences, perspectives, and skills to the table and make irreplaceable contributions to decisions, policies and laws that work better for all."
  • Women leaders...COVID-19 response and recovery efforts
  • "I call upon all stakeholders to join us in this nationwide effort to improve the lives of women, knowing that empowering a woman means empowering a village, empowering a village means empowering communities and therefore empowering the nation."



The elimination of discrimination against women in Zimbabwe


See also
