Shneur Zalman of Liadi
Lithuanian Orthodox Rabbi and first Rebbe of Chabad (1745–1812)
Shneur Zalman of Liadi (or Reb Schneur Zalman or Baal HaTanya or Alter w:Rebbe ("Old Rebbe" in Yiddish) or The Rav) (September 4, 1745 – December 15, 1812) was an Orthodox rabbi and the founder and first Rebbe of w:Chabad Lubavitch, a branch of Hasidic Judaism.

edit- "Tachlis Brias Olam Hazeh, Hu she'nisaivah Hakadosh Ba-ruch Hu Le'hios Lo Dirah B'tachtonim."-'The ultimate purpose of the creation of this physical world, is that G-d Desired to have a dwelling-place in the lower world.'
--Sefer Hatanya, beg. Chapter 36
- ולכן נמשלה התורה למים: מה מים יורדים ממקום גבוה למקום נמוך, כך התורה ירדה ממקום כבודה, שהיא רצונו וחכמתו יתברך, ואורייתא וקודשא בריך הוא כולא חד ולית מחשבה תפיסא ביה כלל. ומשם נסעה וירדה בסתר המדרגות ממדרגה למדרגה בהשתלשלות העולמות, עד שנתלבשה בדברים גשמיים ועניני עולם הזה, שהן רוב מצוות התורה ככולם והלכותיהן, ובצרופי אותיות גשמיות בדיו על הספר, עשרים וארבעה ספרים שבתורה נביאים וכתובים, כדי שתהא כל מחשבה תפיסא בהן, ואפילו בחינות דבור ומעשה שלמטה ממדרגת מחשבה תפיסא בהן ומתלבשת בהן.
- V'lakhen nimshela hatora l'mayim: ma mayim yordim mi'makom gavoha l'makom namukh, kakh ha'tora yarda mi'mkom kvoda, sh'hi retzono v'khomato yitbarakh, v'orayta v'kodsha brikh hu kula had v'leyt mahshava tfista biah klal. W'misham nas'a v'yarda b'seter ha'madregot m'madrega l'madrega b'hishtalshelut ha'olamot, ad sh'nitlabsha b'davrim gashmiyim v'inyaney ha'olam haze, sh'hen rov mitzvot hatora k'khulam v'hilkhotehen, w'btzerufei otiot gashmiot b'dio 'al hasefer, 'esrim v'arba'a s'farim sh'batora nevi'im w'khtuvim, kdei sh'tehe kol mahshava tfisa bahen, v'afilu bhinot dibur w'ma'ase sh'lemata m'madregat mahshava tfisa bahen w'mitlabeshet bahen.
- Translation: And so the teaching (Torah) was likened to water: like water comes down from a high place to a low place, so the teaching descended from its honorable place, as it is His will and wisdom, and the light of Him that be blessed and thought cannot grasp it at all. From there it went in the secret stairway via the worlds, until it was dressed in material things and matters of this world, which are all the ordinants (mitzvot) and their ways, in combinations of material letters in ink on the book, twenty four books in the Tanakh, so thought will be able to comprehend it, and even speech and act, below the level of thought.
- Sefer HaTanya (Book of the learner) Part I, Chapter IV
- G-d dwells and clothes Himself in a man’s soul at the time that he is involved in a Commandment of God or Torah Study.
- Tanya, Chapter 46
See also
edit- Menachem Mendel Schneerson (the seventh Chabad Rebbe)
External links
edit- Sefer HaTanya at Hebrew Wikisource
- Tanya in translation with commentary