Sex, Lies, and Videotape
1989 film directed by Steven Soderbergh
Sex, Lies, and Videotape is a 1989 film about a troubled man who videotapes women discussing their sexuality and fantasies, and its impact on the relationships of a troubled married couple and the wife's younger sister.
- Directed and written by Steven Soderbergh.
Graham Dalton
edit- I remember reading somewhere that men learn to love the person that they're attracted to, and that women become more and more attracted to the person that they love.
Ann Bishop Mullany
edit- I think that um... I think that sex is overrated. I think that people place far too much importance on it, and I think that stuff about women wantin' it just as bad as men is crap. I mean I think that women want it, I just don't think that they want it for the same reason that men think they do.
John Mullany
edit- [having just seen Ann's videotape] I wasn't going to say anything, 'cause I thought you'd be devastated. But looking at you now. [snicker] Yeah, I fucked Elizabeth. Before your problem. Hell, while you two were going out. She was nothing special. She was good in bed. [beat] She sure could keep a secret. That's about all I can say about her. [after John leaves, Graham goes inside and destroys all the videotapes]
edit- John: I'm sorry?
- Graham: No, it's just, I, you know, I just think - right now I have one key and everything I own is in the car, and I just... I like that, you know? I mean, I just, if I get an apartment, that two keys, if I... get a job, you know, I might have to open or close, that's more keys, you know, buy some stuff, I'm afraid it's gonna get ripped off, or something, and I get more keys, and I just, I, you know, I just like having the one key, it's clean.
- Ann: You're not gonna worry in losing them, I always lose my keys, I hate that.
- Ann: So, all these are... are interviews, huh?
- Graham: Uh, yes.
- Ann: Can we watch one?
- Graham: No, I'd - uh, no.
- Ann: Why not?
- Graham: Well, I... promised each of the subjects that no one would see the videotapes except for me.
- Ann: What are the interviews about?
- Graham: The interviews are about sex.
- Ann: Sex? What about sex?
- Graham: Everything about sex.
- Ann: Like what?
- Graham: What they've done. What they do. What they want to do; but, are afraid to ask for. What they wouldn't do even if asked.
- Ann: So let me see, you said, um, you said that I should never take advice from someone that I haven't had sex with, right... right?
- Graham: Basically.
- Ann: Right. And, uh, we haven't had sex...[giggle] right?
- Graham: So...
- Ann: So, I, I, I guess from your own advice, I shouldn't take your advice.
- Graham: I wouldn't.
- Cynthia: I'd trust him before I'd trust you.
- John: God, that hurts if you say that to me.
- Cynthia: Come on, John! You're fucking your wife's sister. You're a liar; but, at least I know you're a liar.
- Graham: So, I don't... I don't understand, uh, what made you want to come here. I can't imagine Ann painted a very flattering portrait of me.
- Cynthia: Yeah, well, see, um, I don't really listen to Ann when it comes to men. I mean, look at John, for Christ's sake.
- Cynthia: If Ann got freaked out by these, there must be something sexual: are these tapes of you having sex with these girls?
- Graham: No, not exactly.
- Cynthia: Well, either you are or your aren't; which is it?
- Graham: Why don't you let me tape you?
- Cynthia: Doing what?
- Graham: Talking.
- Cynthia: About what?
- Graham: About sex... your sexual history, sexual preferences.
- Cynthia: What makes you think I'd discuss that with you?
- Graham: Nothing.
- Cynthia: Hmm. And you just want to ask me questions?
- Graham: I just want to ask you questions.
- Cynthia: That's all.
- Graham: That's all.
- Cynthia: Is this how you get off or something? Taping women talking about their sexual experiences?
- Graham: Yes.
- Cynthia: [asked whether or not her first sight of a man's organ lived up to her expectations] Mm. No. Not really. I...I didn't... I sort of... I didn't think it would have, uhm, veins or ridges or anything. I just thought it would be smooth like a test tube. It's weird thinking about it now. The organ itself seemed like a - a separate thing, uhm, a separate entity to me. I mean, when he finally pulled it out, and I could look at it and touch it, I completely forgot that there was a guy attached to it. I remember literally being startled when the guy spoke to me.
- Graham: What did he say?
- Cynthia: He said my hand felt good.
- Graham: Then what happened?
- Cynthia: And then I started moving my hand - and then he stopped talkin'.
- Ann: Well, what did he ask exactly?
- Cynthia: Well, I don't want to tell you exactly.
- Ann: You let a total stranger record your sexual life on videotape, but you won't tell your own sister?
- Cynthia: Apparently.
- Ann: I want to know why you are the way you are!
- Graham: And I'm telling you it's not any one thing that I can point to and say "That's why!" It doesn't work that way with people who have problems, Ann, it's not that neat, it's not that tidy! It's not a series of little boxes that you can line up and count. Things just don't happen that way.
- Ann: I thought about you. Have you thought about me?
- Graham: Yes.
- Ann: What did you think?
- Graham: I thought about what you would look like having an orgasm.
- Ann: I'd like to know what I look like havin' an orgasm. Can you do that?
- John: Things are getting too complicated.
- Cynthia: No... they're gettin' real simple.
- John: By definition you're lying to Ann too.
- Cynthia: Yeah, right. But, I didn't take a vow in front of God and everyone to be faithful to Ann.
- John: Well, are we gonna do it or not?
- Ann: I want out of this marriage.
- John: What?
- Ann: I. Want. Out. Of. This. Marriage.
- Ann: My life is shit. It's just shit. Nothing's what I thought it was. John's a bastard. Let's make a videotape.
- Graham: No, I... ahem... I don't think that's a good idea.
- Ann: Why not?
- Graham: Because I don't think it's a choice that you'd make in a normal frame of mind.
- Ann: And what would you know about a normal frame of mind?
- Graham: That's a good question.
- Graham: You're right, I've got a lot of problems... But they belong to me.
- Ann: You think they're yours, but they're not. Everybody that walks in that door becomes part of your problem. Anybody that comes in contact with you. I didn't want to be part of your problem, but I am. I'm leaving my husband, and maybe I would have anyway, but the fact is, is, I'm doing it now, and part of it's because of you. You've had an effect on my life.
- Graham: This isn't supposed to happen. I've spent nine years structuring my life so this didn't happen.
edit- James Spader - Graham Dalton
- Andie MacDowell - Ann Bishop Mullany
- Peter Gallagher - John Mullany
- Laura San Giacomo - Cynthia Patrice Bishop
- Steven Brill - Barfly
- Ron Vawter - Therapist