Samuel John Stone

English clergyman

Samuel John Stone (25 April 1839 – 19 November 1900) was an English poet, hymnodist, and a priest in the Church of England.


  • The Church’s one foundation
      Is Jesus Christ her Lord;
    She is His new creation
      By water and the Word.
    • "The Church's One Foundation", in Lyra Fidelium (1866)
  • Yet Saints their watch are keeping,
      Their cry goes up, ‘How long?’
    And soon the night of weeping
      Shall be the morn of song.
    • "The Church's One Foundation", in Lyra Fidelium (1866)
  • ’Mid toil and tribulation,
      And tumult of her war,
    She waits the consummation
      Of peace for evermore;
    Till with the vision glorious
      Her longing eyes are blest,
    And the great Church victorious
      Shall be the Church at rest.
    • "The Church's One Foundation", in Lyra Fidelium (1866)
  • Weary of earth and laden with my sin,
    I look at heaven, and long to enter in.
    • "Weary of Earth and Laden", in Lyra Fidelium (1866)
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