Sahar Nasr (Arabic: سحر نصر, born in 1964) is an Egyptian politician who served as the Minister of Investment and International Cooperation (2015–2019).

Sahar Nasr



“To succeed, as Africans we need to tap into our huge domestic resources,” Dr Sahar Nasr (2017)

“To succeed, as Africans we need to tap into our huge domestic resources,” Dr Sahar Nasr, NewAfrican (September 28, 2017)
  • I believe selections, appointments and promotions should be on merit, delivery, achievements, performance and results on the ground. It’s your own merit and your hard work that you should be judged and assessed on. Nothing else.
  • The issue is achieving not because you are a woman, but because you are working hard.
  • I honestly believe that when you are working hard, you are committed to what you do, and you set yourself targets of what you want to achieve, you will always deliver and succeed.
  • And despite the fact that husbands and other members of the family such as brothers and fathers also carry part of the responsibilities, we cannot neglect the fact that there are also some social and cultural dynamics in Africa where this leans more on women.
  • We can only achieve sustainable and inclusive growth through giving women an equal opportunity to play an active role in the economic, social and political sphere.
  • Women have the right to play an active role in the labour market; we have to give women an equal opportunity to get the education, skills and the knowledge that will help them fully participate in the economic sphere.
  • Women and girls must have equal access to education, skills development, the labour force, political participation and all social services if we really want to be inclusive.
  • Inclusive growth also means that the economic reforms are packaged with adequate social safety nets and are built on reducing regional disparities, improving human development, protecting the poor and vulnerable, and providing access to finance for small and micro investors as well as women and youth.
  • A key pillar for the economic reform is improving the business environment and promoting more private sector participation.
  • Africans can work closely with international partners to bring best practices, know-how and resources to complement and support their important programmes. And, importantly, businesses need to cooperate.
  • Driving Investment for Inclusive Growth”, which means investing in a way that is geared for the long term and to deliver solutions that will cater for the challenges of tomorrow.
  • Inclusive growth means that there is no one left behind and that all segments in society reap the benefits of the economic growth. On the economic front it entails a level playing field, equal access to market, equal opportunity and a fair and competitive environment.
  • To succeed, as Africans we need to tap into our huge domestic resources.
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