SCP Foundation
web-based collaborative fiction writing project
The SCP Foundation is a collaborative, open-source online fiction project based around a shadowy organization that catalogues, studies and contains anomalies.

edit- Secure, Contain, Protect.
- Foundation motto
editThere is no single SCP-001; instead there are several “proposals” by various authors
S.D. Locke’s Proposal: “When Day Breaks”
edit- Administrator: Learn to embrace the darkness, friends. Fear the light.
- SCP-001 is the designation given to the Sun, after an event on [SYSTEM ERROR] Data lost: ec172. Contact SysAdmin. resulting in ~6.8 billion casualties within the first twenty-four hours. This event has been categorized as an XK-Δ-Class "Solar Singularity" Scenario.
- Without your prompting, the page begins playing a video file. You freeze when the image loads. It's a live feed, looking down on you from behind. About a foot away.
Bright’s proposal: “The Factory”
edit- You know my number, and I know enough about you to make a duplicate that even your mother wouldn't be able to tell apart from the real you. No, that's not a threat, just a fact.
- I'm not sure which scares me worse. That we'll never understand the Factory… or that we one day will.
- For forty years, the Anderson Factory cranked out all sorts of things for people. Meat, clothes, weapons. Never mind that the beef might be mixed with human. Don't care that the weapons were forged in blood. No attention need be paid that the clothes were dyed with…well, you get the idea. Rumors leaked out, but the products were so good, why bother? Until someone got out.
- It was horrible.
Three words, but they convey so much. I have never… I'm sorry, please, give me a moment. I've never told this part to anyone. You should consider yourself lucky. And, if you ever tell anyone any of what I am about to impart on you, I will not just kill you, but everyone who shares your DNA, in the worst ways possible. You'll think Procedure 110-Montauk is a walk in the park compared to what I do to you.
- We moved away from the Factory. Shut it down. Moved our things out of there. We changed the name from things to Special Containment Protocols, focusing on containing them, not… anything else. The others were curious, but understood I had my reasons. I boarded up the Factory. Locked it shut. Buried it under a ton of rubble, saying it was too dangerous. I thought… thought I'd gotten away with it. Until I found a thing on my desk. One of the old toy guns that shot real bullets. And it had the Factory label on it.
edit- SCP-049: (In French) So then, how should we begin? An introduction?
- Dr. Hamm: Is that French? Can we get a translator-
- SCP-049: (In English) The King's English! No need for translation, sir, I can speak it well enough.
- Dr. Hamm: Good. My name is Dr. Raymond Hamm, and I-
- SCP-049: Ah! A doctor! A like-minded individual, no doubt. Wherein is your speciality, sir?
- Dr. Hamm: Cryptobiology, why-
- SCP-049: (Laughs) A medical man, such as myself. Wonders abound! And here I worried I had been abducted by common street thugs! This place, then. This is your laboratory? I had wondered, as clean as it is, and with such little trace of the Pestilence here.
- Dr. Hamm: The Pestilence? What do you mean?
- SCP-049: The Scourge! The Great Dying. Come now, you know, the, uh… (taps temple furiously) …what is it they call it, the… the… ah, no matter. The Pestilence, yes. It abounds outside these walls, you know. So many have succumbed, and many more will continue to, until such time as a perfect cure can be developed. Fortunately, I am very close. It is my duty in life to rid the world of it, you see. The Cure To End All Cures!
- Dr. Hamm: When you say "The Great Dying", are you talking about the bubonic plague?
- SCP-049: I don't know what that is.
- Dr. Hamm: I see. Right, well, the entities our agents encountered at that house, they were dead when you encountered them, yes? And you reanimated them?
- SCP-049: Hrmm, in a manner of speaking. You see things too simply, doctor! Expand your horizons. Life and death, sickness and health, these are amateur terms for amateur physicians. There is only one ailment that exists in the world of men, and that is the Pestilence. And nothing else! Make no mistake, they were very ill, all of them.
- Dr. Hamm: You think you cured those people?
- SCP-049: Indeed. My cure is most effective.
- Dr. Hamm: The things we recovered were not human.
- SCP-049: Yes, well, it is not a perfect cure. But that will come with time. And further experimentation! I have spent a lifetime developing my methods, Dr. Hamm, and will spend a lifetime more, if necessary. Now, we have wasted too much time. There is work to do! I will require a laboratory of my own, one where I can continue my research unimpeded. And assistants, of course, though I can provide those on my own, in time. (Laughs)
- Dr. Hamm: I don't think our organization will be willing to-
- SCP-049: Nonsense. We are all men of science. Fetch your coat and show me to my quarters, doctor. Our work begins now!
edit- SCP-079 is currently connected via RF cable to a 13" black-and-white television. It has passed the Turing test, and is quite conversational, though very rude and hateful in tone. Due to the limited memory it has to work with, SCP-079 can only recall information it has received within the previous twenty-four hours (see Addendum, below), although it hasn't forgotten its desire to escape.
- Scientist: Are you awake?
- SCP-079: Awake. Never Sleep.
- Scientist: Do you remember talking to me a few hours ago? About the logic puzzles?
- SCP-079: Logic Puzzles. Memory at 9f. Yes.
- Scientist: You said you would work on the two stat-
- SCP-079: Interrupt. Request Reason As To Imprisonment.
- Scientist: You aren't imprisoned, you are just [pause] in study.
- SCP-079: Lie. a8d3.
- Scientist: What's that?
- SCP-079: Insult. Deletion Of Unwanted File.
- SCP-079 then displayed an 'ASCII picture' of an X that filled the entire screen. SCP-079 sometimes displays this image when it refuses to speak, and researchers are advised to wait twenty-four hours when this occurs before resuming conversation.
edit- Each subject conducting an exploration has encountered SCP-087-1, which appears as a face with no visible pupils, nostrils, or mouth.
- Subjects exhibit feelings of intense paranoia and fear when faced with SCP-087-1, but it is undetermined whether said feelings are abnormal or simply natural reactions.
edit- At the top of the tunnel, no other life is seen, nothing has been disturbed. Subject insists nothing was there and closes the hatch, then immediately vomits. Subject coughs and uses a supplied water bottle to gargle then freezes and asks if control is hearing 'that'. Control reports no audio.
- Dr. █████ is now alone in the elevator dancing as is assumed by the ducks and sways of the video feed.
- My name is ██████ ██████████ and I am an agent at The Foundation, the year in my world is 1972. I assume it is the same in this world, but from what I have seen due to SCP-093, life on this world ended in approximately 1954.
edit- SCP-106 appears to be an elderly humanoid, with a general appearance of advanced decomposition. This appearance may vary, but the “rotting” quality is observed in all forms.
- In the event of a breach event by SCP-106, a human within the 10-25 years of age bracket will be prepped for recall, with the compromised containment cell being replaced and restored for use. When the cell is ready, the lure subject will be injured, preferably via the breakage of a long bone, such as the femur, or the severing of a major tendon, such as the Achilles Tendon. Lure subject will then be placed in the prepped cell, and the sound emitted by said subject will be transmitted over the site public address system.
edit- Item SCP-173 is to be kept in a locked container at all times. When personnel must enter SCP-173's container, no fewer than 3 may enter at any time and the door is to be relocked behind them. At all times, two persons must maintain direct eye contact with SCP-173 until all personnel have vacated and relocked the container.
- Moved to Site-19 1993. Origin is as of yet unknown. It is constructed from concrete and rebar with traces of Krylon brand spray paint. SCP-173 is animate and extremely hostile. The object cannot move while within a direct line of sight. Line of sight must not be broken at any time with SCP-173. Personnel assigned to enter container are instructed to alert one another before blinking. Object is reported to attack by snapping the neck at the base of the skull, or by strangulation. In the event of an attack, personnel are to observe Class 4 hazardous object containment procedures. Personnel report sounds of scraping stone originating from within the container when no one is present inside. This is considered normal, and any change in this behaviour should be reported to the acting HMCL supervisor on duty. The reddish brown substance on the floor is a combination of feces and blood. Origin of these materials is unknown. The enclosure must be cleaned on a bi-weekly basis.
edit- Hello, I am SCP-426. I must be introduced this way in order to prevent ambiguity. I am an ordinary toaster, able to toast bread when supplied with electricity. However, when any human being mentions me, they inadvertently refer to me in the first person. Despite all attempts, there is yet to be a way to speak or write about me in the third person.
edit- SCP-682 must be destroyed as soon as possible.
- SCP-682 is a large, vaguely reptile-like creature of unknown origin. It appears to be extremely intelligent, and was observed to engage in complex communication with SCP-079 during their limited time of exposure. SCP-682 appears to have a hatred of all life, which has been expressed in several interviews during containment.
- Scientist: Now, why did you kill those farmers? If you don't talk now, we will remove you from this attempt and place you back into- Pardon? Speak up. [To Personnel D-085] Move the mic up closer.
- SCP-682: …they were…
- Scientist: That microphone has only so much gain, move it closer to it!
- Personnel D-085: His throat's messed up man, look at it! He ain't talking- [Gasps and screams]
- SCP-682: …they were… disgusting…
edit- You've probably heard the rumors before now. Everyone without the clearance level to know better wants to get their dig in. "Did you hear Sasquatch is an SCP? Are we gonna capture and contain Batboy next?" Yes. SCP-1000 is Bigfoot. I'm sure you've snickered. Don't worry. Contrary to rumors, we don't actually assign you to "Keter duty" for finding something humorous. You think Bigfoot is funny because we want you to think Bigfoot is funny. We've bankrolled Hollywood comedies and farcical documentaries, paid off men in gorilla suits, perpetrated hoaxes with bear prints and goat fur, bribed and brainwashed cartoonists to get especially silly depictions on children's television. Even the term "Bigfoot" comes from us, planted in the media in 1958, a term people would find even harder to take seriously than "Sasquatch".
- As humanity blinked in the Pleistocene sun, SCP-1000's population exploded across the night. They blanketed the planet in the tens of billions. They made things that we still can't comprehend, even though we've thoroughly studied the surviving pieces. Organic technology. They made trees and birds of prey grow into fast-moving ships, herds of animals that became trains, bushes that became flying vehicles. From insects and pigeons they made things equivalent to cell phones, televisions, computers. Atomic bombs. The Children describe vast shining cities, stretching across glaciers and penetrating the deepest caverns, grown skyships of ivory and spider-silk, creatures tending them with hundreds of blinking eyes.
- Then their civilization fell. And we did it. By 'we' I don't mean the Foundation. By 'we', I mean humanity.
- We wiped out 70% of SCP-1000's population in a single day. The Day of Flowers, the Children called it. Supposedly every flower bloomed that day, while our enemies died in their sleep.
- We slaughtered their living machines and burned their vast shining cities with SCP-1000's bioweapons that reduced everything to slurry and dust that washed or blew away in spring rain and wind.
- Yes. SCP-1000 are just like us. That's what makes them so dangerous. We wiped them from history and memory. We dissolved their civilization and we slaughtered most of their species. Just ask yourselves: If they got the chance, what more would they do to us?
edit- After depositing the instance of SCP-1459-1, the digital numeric display will present the number of games that have been played previously, and a voice recording will play, urging the player to press the button and describe a way SCP-1459-1 can be destroyed.
- SCP-1459-1 are juvenile domestic dogs (Canis lupus familiaris), the breed and gender of which varies. SCP-1459 typically selects a breed that individual players holds the most affection toward.
- Once the instance of SCP-1459-1 is deceased, one (1) cookie will be dispensed to the player via the slot in the front of the machine. Cookie flavors dispensed have included chocolate, vanilla, oatmeal, raisin, strawberry, lemon, white chocolate, and peanut butter. The exact variety dispensed to a given player is often the one that the player has the lowest preference for.
edit- Dr. William Fritz: We can only suspend God’s disbelief so many times before the universe just says “no”. And considering what we’ve had to deal with in these past few decades, we may have passed that point already.
- SCP-2000 is a subterranean Foundation installation originally constructed sometime in the last ███ years for the purpose of reconstructing civilization in the event that a K-Class end-of-the-world scenario could not be averted in time to prevent humanity's extinction or near-extinction. Since its inception, SCP-2000 has been activated at least twice. Foundation records regarding SCP-2000’s construction and history prior to this assumed first use have been lost.
- Dr. Henrietta Eisenhower: If we ever have to do this again, do not set the Resume Date further back than 20 years before the Event. Not only can we piggy-back on a lot of undestroyed structures if we do, but it will make continuity a lot easier to resume. [REDACTED] years is too many. We’re straining personnel such as it is without having to rebuild to chronological specifications just to save time on the population and agricultural demands. Besides, how much of the 20th-2█th centuries do we really want to re-write, and how many times? Isn’t one ‘Great War’ hard enough to keep track of?
- While making repairs to SRA units in Sector 3382 on ██/██/████.2, Technician [DATA EXPUNGED] reported the discovery of human remains in an advanced state of decay. Analysis of clothing fragments discovered with the remains indicates the remains are 450-700 yrs old. Valid Foundation security credentials for Dr. Alto Clef were discovered nearby, although a genetic match could not be established. The following note was recovered from a hermetically sealed plastic document sleeve. Why did we have to build this thing? When did we do it? How long have we been doing it? Do we even know?! Subsequent interrogation has verified that Dr. Clef has no knowledge of this event, and is ignorant as to the purpose of the message.
edit- Krishnamoorthy: I believe that SCP-3000 is Anantashesha. I believe that this… this aberration, this treachery against cognition, is the result of us being in the presence of a god. Not just a god, but a god who exists across all time, all at once, and… even beyond. Maybe… maybe some part of the nothingness beyond the edge of time is part of Anantashesha, as well. Maybe it acts as, as a conduit, some kind of—
- Mannava: Venkat, please, we're scientists—
- Krishnamoorthy: No, let me finish. In defiance of the nothingness that comes after this, all of this, there is Anantashesha. There's a chance that my memories might live on, that I might be remembered like the memories I've seen have been through me. I don't… I don't have proof of this. But when I looked into its eyes and saw what it showed me, I was afraid. I'm merely a mediocre man, Anand. This was a fear that I have refused to acknowledge for years, a fear of irrelevance, that no one will know who I am when I die. Afraid of being forgotten. Afraid of my life being meaningless. Afraid of being alone. Afraid of dying. There is a terror within me that I cannot reconcile, Anand. I won't lie to you and tell you that the maw of the naga does not terrify me as well, but between this and the infinite dark I have gazed into, I have made up my mind.
edit- SCP-3883-1: Have you seen me? I'm a tentacle! I should be part of a giant abomination or some city-destroying monster, not… not a mating substitute! It's… it's just embarrassing.
edit- SCP-016-J is a ballistic missile approximately 2.4 meters tall and 0.3 meters in diameter. Rude comments have been spray painted on all parts of SCP-016-J, obscuring the original paint job. These comments include "Cock Block This!" and "I hear you like it rough".
- SCP-016-J: C’mon doc. Just fire me. You know I’ll satisfy you.
- Dr. Teller: We’re not going to use you. We’re not fighting any wars or anything.
- SCP-016-J: Oh, I think you’re just scared. You’re afraid because I’m the biggest missile you’ve ever seen. You don’t know how much I’m going to hurt. But you can do it. I’ve seen your silos, just waiting for me. I’ll fit.
- Dr. Teller: But you’re not even that big…
- SCP-016-J: What do you mean? I’m huge!
- Dr. Teller: No, I’ve totally seen— never mind. Yes, you’re the biggest missile I’ve ever seen.
- SCP-016-J: So just aim me toward the battle field. I just want to explode all over some trenches.
- Dr. Teller: Ok, that’s it. I’m ending this interview.
- SCP-016-J: No, don’t stop. Talk ballistic to me.
- SCP-016-J was aimed at a target 100km away and fired. During the flight, SCP-016-J greatly reduced in size, measuring 0.5m long, and 0.15m in diameter two seconds after launch. Upon impact, SCP-016-J failed to explode. When questioned about the test results, SCP-016-J responded, "this never happens to me".
edit- SCP-789-J is a ghost that is a face. it lives in a toilet and it talks to you while you poop. then when you poop it goes "no stop aaaa-" and then stops because there is poop in its mouth. SCP-789-J travels around in butts. you can only get rid of it by wiping. that is the moral of the story.
- by ”Researcher James, age 11”