Sławomir Tryc

Polish germanist, diplomat

Sławomir Tryc, born November 19, 1952, is a scientist, diplomat, and cultural manager.


  • We think that the struggle against totalitarianism, Nazism and Communism, and the resistance movements, were the most important parts of 20th Century history. The expulsion, especially of Germans, was only a consequence of that.
    • Critical commentary by the Polish Embassy Counselor in Berlin on the exhibition about expulsion of Germans after World War II, organised by the Centre Against Expulsions (Erika Steinbach), Berlin 2006. Poland accused the Germans of stylising themselves as victims of the war.
    • BBC News 13 August 2006.
  • Non approviamo la mostra - ha detto Slawomir Tryc, consigliere dell'ambasciata polacca a Berlino - riteniamo che raggruppare tutte le espulsioni in Europa in un solo mucchio sia falsificare la storia. (...) il dramma dei tedeschi fu la diretta conseguenza di una guerra cominciata dalla Germania.
    • Translation: We do not approve of the exhibition, said Slawomir Tryc, Counselor at the Polish Embassy in Berlin, we believe that to lump all expulsions in Europe into one pile is to falsify history. (...) the tragedy of the Germans was the direct consequence of a war started by Germany.
    • Critical commentary on the exhibition above.
    • La Reppublica 10 August 2006
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