Rukky Sanda

Nigerian actress

Rukky Sanda (born 23 August 1984) is a Nigerian actress, film producer, and director.

Rukky Sanda in 2015


  • The significance of celebrating my birthday is just to thank God that I added another year. I am alive, hale and hearty. Also, to thank Him for rewarding my career bountifully. I celebrate my birthday every year.
  • I will live my dream. I enjoy what I am doing right now. I said I will live my dream in the sense that when I get to that end, I would have put in all I wanted to invest in my career. It’s then, I would say I will be living my dream but I am still working, working very hard to realize that dream. I can’t say I have landed yet.
  • I don’t think I have any bad habit but nobody is perfect. I only pray that God makes me a better person in my imperfect ways. I am a human being and human beings are not perfect. It is only God that’s perfect.
  • I am just a beginner. I am still growing and learning but very focused. I am just a girl, I am yet to be fulfilled. I am yet to achieve one per cent of what I intend achieving. But by God’s grace, I will get there.
  • It was amazing. Growing up is one of the best memories ever. I’m so used to the hustle and bustle of Lagos that it is almost natural. I am a one hundred percent Lagos Girl, especially considering the fact that I grew up in Surulere
  • Stay true to yourself, work hard and do not do anything you will regret. Don’t sell your soul for fame; it’s not worth it.
  • I don’t know. I just try to be myself, and try to be healthy. I think that’s the most important thing. Usually, I’m not a foodie, but I am glad my house help ran away two weeks ago. He actually stole my money, and ran away, so now I am used to doing stuff by myself.
  • I believe in expressing myself; always stating my point, and sticking to what I believe in. People may read different meanings to it, but at the end of the day, I can only be myself; I can’t try to be someone else, or back-up what I don’t believe in. I wasn’t brought up like that. It has brought me here so far, and I love me.
  • I don’t get into trouble. If I say anything anywhere, I will stand by it. I’m not the kind of girl who believes in gossip, or idle chatter. If I have anything to say, I say it and move on. If you have any problem with it, come and tell me.
  • Playing with a python or lion is not a big deal. I have always loved animals and I like having them around me. I don’t see anything unusual about that.
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