Roman Pagan Religion

form of Indo-European polytheism practised in the Roman civilization

Roman pagan religion consisted of varying imperial and provincial religious practices, which were followed both by the Roman people, as well as those who were brought under its law.

Caesar Marcus Aurelius (C.E.161-180) and members of the Imperial family offer sacrifice in gratitude for success against Germanic tribes.

Quotes on Roman Polytheism:

  • In the field of religion the Romans have a completely different tradition from the mythological one of the Greeks; the divine is a dark and impersonal force that is present in nature and objects and which presides over all human activities; the sphere of the sacred is taboo, it is clearly distinct from that[1]of the profane, and when faced with manifestations of the divine man feels a shiver of religious horror. Religion is aimed at warding off the harmful influences of divine forces with rituals and magical formulas, at interpreting their will through [2]wonders. This dark and mysterious conception of faceless and figureless gods makes its influence felt even on writers of cultured and skeptical ages, through the typically Latin feeling of horror. (Luciano Perelli)


  1. In the text: that, typo.
  2. In the text: ai, typo.


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  • Takács, Sarolta A. 2008. Vestal Virgins, Sibyls, and Matrons: Women in Roman Religion. Austin: Univ. of Texas Press.

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