Robert Asprin

American science fiction and fantasy author

Robert Lynn Asprin (June 28, 1946 – May 22, 2008) was an American science fiction and fantasy author and active fan, best known for his humorous MythAdventures and Phule's Company series.

Robert Asprin (1993)


Cowritten with Linda Evans
All page numbers are from the mass market paperback first edition published by Baen ISBN 0-671-87698-8
  • Small towns were terrible places to grow up with world-sized dreams—especially when those dreams were the only things you had left to hold onto.
    • Chapter 2 (p. 38)
  • “Hi, Sven.”
    “Hi, yourself. The answer’s no.”
    • Chapter 7 (p. 111)
  • “Uncle Sven and I are about to start your first lesson in survival theory.”
    She gave them both a dubious glance. “That being?”
    Sven guffawed. “When the fight starts, be someplace else. And always remember, nobody watches your butt for you when it’s You versus the Universe—and Margo, the universe just don’t give a damn.”
    • Chapter 7 (p. 122)
  • “Oh. I was beginning to worry.”
    “You do that,” Kit laughed. “I like it better when you’re worried. Proves you’re thinking.”
    She put out a pink tongue. “You’re mean and horrible. Why does everybody else like you?”
    Kit scratched his head. “Search me. Guess it’s my good looks and charm.”
    • Chapter 9 (p. 173)
  • Education,” he smiled, “is never a waste of time.”
    • Chapter 9 (p. 175)
  • “She’s young, Kit.”
    “That’s no excuse. The universe doesn’t give a damn when it squashes you.”
    • Chapter 13 (p. 264)
  • Malcolm had forgotten how very young eighteen was, with its mixture of invincible assuredness, fragile emotions, and the desperate need to be taken seriously—even when caught in complete ignorance.
    • Chapter 14 (p. 286)
  • But—as Kit and Sven had been so fond of saying—the Universe didn’t give beans for “fair.” It simply was. You got it right or paid the price.
    • Chapter 17 (p. 364)
  • The death of the wildebeest herd didn’t change the bloody savagery she’d witnessed in the Roman Circus, but it put life and death in much clearer perspective. Nature wasn’t any nobler or gentler than human beings. It was just as deadly and just as cruel and just as savagely “unfair” to the weak...
    Maybe more so.
    • Chapter 17 (p. 370; ellipsis in the original)
Cowritten with Linda Evans
All page numbers are from the mass market paperback first edition published by Baen ISBN 0-671-87730-5
  • Skeeter thought dark, vile thoughts at bureaus and the bureauc-rats that ran ’em.
    • Chapter 1 (p. 11)
  • The more chaotic the world, the greater the need for ritual.
    • Chapter 7 (p. 156)
  • Skeeter just couldn’t figure out what was so horrible about taking a good, long, clear-eyed look at one’s past and facing whatever one found in it. Making up the past to fit whatever idea some politically correct group wanted to pass off as reality this week seemed a lot more dangerous to him than facing brutal facts.
    • Chapter 13 (pp. 268-269)
  • Kit chuckled. “You, Bull Morgan, are a wicked judge of human character.”
    “Hell, Kit, thought you’d figured it out by now: all human character is wicked. Just varies in degree is all.”
    • Chapter 15 (p. 313)
  • Bull Morgan was just the right man for the job, a man who found the law useful in how far it could occasionally be bent to save a friend.
    • Chapter 15 (p. 314)
  • A tiny whisper at the back of her mind warned her to be wary of what one asked the gods for, lest they grant it.
    • Chapter 18 (p. 366)
  • The more I learn about history, the more savage I find it was.
    • Chapter 19 (p. 372)
  • All the years he’d spent fooling himself into thinking that what he did was correct was simply time wasted from his life, on delusions and fantasies that kept him from seeing what he was and where he was inevitably headed with genuine clarity.
    • Chapter 21 (p. 428)
  • “He’ll get a life sentence for the illegal trafficking alone and probably a death sentence for the people he killed along the way.” He sighed slightly. “I always did fancy happy endings.”
    • Chapter 21 (p. 430)
  • So fare the fortunes of men, Skeeter thought bitterly, when seven wolves and a sheep decide what’s for lunch. Perfect democracy: everybody got to vote. Even the lunch.
    • Epilogue (p. 448)
Cowritten with Linda Evans
All page numbers are from the mass market paperback first edition published by Baen ISBN 0-671-57867-7
  • It operates very much like the social structure of a nomadic tribe. Those in the brotherhood are fully human; those outside are not.
    • Chapter 3 (p. 74)
  • It is jihad, Mr. Morgan, a particularly virulent, fundamentalist form of hatred.
    • Chapter 3 (p. 75)
  • Fools have a way of discovering...that the laws of time travel, like the laws of physics, have no pity and no remorse.”
    • Chapter 4 (p. 98; ellipses indicate a minor elision of description)
  • A brave man is one who admits his fear. Only a fool believes himself invincible.
    • Chapter 10 (p. 300)
  • Li was a very honest and honorable man. But when it came to any man’s abiding passion, honesty occasionally went straight out the nearest available window.
    • Chapter 12 (p. 346)
  • “No matter how you look at it,” Margo muttered, “when you get down to it, human beings aren’t really much better than killer plains apes, are they? Just a thin sugar-coating of civilization to make ’em look prettier.”
    • Chapter 12 (p. 364)
  • Playing God was a sweetly addictive game.
    • Chapter 14 (p. 431)
  • Once again, Caddrick had failed to use the few brains God had given him.
    • Chapter 14 (p. 441)
Cowritten with Linda Evans
All page numbers are from the mass market paperback first edition published by Baen ISBN 0-671-31965-5
  • “How much did that ridiculous maintenance job of yours pay?”
    Skeeter blinked. “Five bucks an hour, why?”
    “Five bucks? That’s not a salary, that’s slavery!”
    • Chapter 1 (p. 14)
  • Are you out of your mind? No, you have to be in possession of a mind, first, to be out of it.
    • Chapter 4 (p. 85)
  • “You know,” Malcolm remarked to no one in particular, “I’d say that chap doesn’t enjoy time travel.”
    • Chapter 12 (p. 295)
  • “What?” Jenna came out of her chair so fast, it crashed over. “Are you insane?”
    “No,” Skeeter said mildly, “although I know a few people who might argue the point.”
    • Chapter 14 (p. 348)
  • Careless is stupid, he snarled at himself, and stupid can be fatal.
    • Chapter 19 (p. 455)
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