Road House (2024 film)

2024 film directed by Doug Liman

Road House is a 2024 American film about a disgraced MMA fighter who is hired as a bouncer of a roadside bar/music venue in Florida. It is a remake of 1989 film Road House.

Directed by Rowdy Herrington. Written by Anthony Bagarozzi and Chuck Mondry and co-screenplay adapted with R. Lance Hill.
Take it outside.taglines


  • You know, it's strange. Somebody else asked me if I was afraid today. I am afraid. I'm afraid of what happens when somebody pushes me too far. Somebody just like you. 'Cause I know what happens next.
  • A fucking fishing spear?
  • Nice place you got here. Peaceful.


  • I got a tip for you. Don't let no one get this close.


Knox: Lookie here. Our own little octagon.
Dalton: What? Who taught you shapes?

Frankie: Well, at least let me text you my number.
Dalton: I don't have a phone, so...
Frankie: Well, hold on. I'll write it down on a pen and paper, just like our ancestors did.

Knox: Looks like I fucked up your leg.
Dalton: You're a shit driver.
Knox: Wrong side of the road.

Dalton: This piano is out of tune.
Knox: Sounds pretty good to me.

Ellie: They're not gonna find that guy's body. Crocs hide their food.
Dalton: Do they teach that in kindergarten around here?
Ellie: [Chuckles] They do.

Vince: Hey, what are you whittling?
Jack: A stick.
Vince: Yeah, but what's it gonna be?
Jack: A smaller stick.

Dell: Who the fuck are you, Mr Smiley?
Dalton: Mr Smiley?
Dell: Yeah. You've had this idiot grin since I walked in. So, are you happy? Are you stupid? Or get punched in the face too many times?
Dalton: Honestly, it's probably the punching thing.

Sheriff's Deputy: I'll tell 'em it was you.
Dalton: Oh, okay! You know what though? There's a real possibility you won't remember any of this anyway.
Sheriff's Deputy: Wait, wait, what?
Dalton: When you've been fighting as long as I have, you know the power of a concussion.
Sheriff's Deputy: Wait.
Dalton: A real whack can really knock the short-term memory out of ya. Something about how it takes a memory a couple of minutes to get to the long-term part of your brain. I don't know. Anyway, you and I have only been talking for about a minute and a half.
Sheriff's Deputy: I don't understand.
Dalton: Oh what's that over there? [Deputy looks away and Dalton hits him on the back of the head]

Jack: Hey! Get in the car. [Lifts shirt to reveal his gun] Boss wants to have a word with you.
Dalton: Who's your boss?
Jack: Brandt.
Dalton: Brandt?
Jack: Yeah, Ben Brandt. And he's waiting. So you're gonna get in the car or not?
Dalton: No, I don't think so. [Starts walking away]
Jack: Hey, stop. Stop! You did see that I have a fucking gun, right?
Dalton: Yeah. You made a pretty big point of showin' it to me.
Jack: Okay, so get in the fucking car! [Dalton laughs and walks towards him] You don't understand how this works, do you?
Dalton: Yeah, I do. But you have a gun, tucked in your waistband. So, it's really not that intimidating, is it?
Jack: What the fuck are you talkin' about?
Dalton: [Stops in front of him] I mean, all I have to do is break your index and your middle finger and you wouldn't even be able to hold that gun. Technically, you'd be able to hold it but you wouldn't be able to fire it. So it's really not that big of a threat, is it?
Jack: Fuck this. [Reaches for his gun, Dalton grabs his hand and bones can be heard snapping] Motherfucker!

Dalton: I just wanted to get you outside so I could ask you and your friends respectfully to leave the premises.
Dell: Oh, we'll leave. After I fucking kill you.
Dalton: Sure. Uh, before we start do you have insurance?
Dell: What?
Dalton: Like, you have medical insurance? Your coverage good? Like, you have dental?
Dell: Oh, ha-ha! Yeah. I'm not the one that's gonna fuckin' need it.
Dalton: Okay. Sure. Hey, Frankie?
Frankie: Yeah?
Dalton: Is there a hospital nearby?
Frankie: Literally who gives a shit.
Dell: Shit the fuck up and fight, asshole!
Dalton: Is there a hospital nearby? Is it like, too far? Is it close?

Dalton: You don't have to lose, you're gonna lose in front of all your friends.
Dell: "In front of"? [Thugs laugh] Oh, they're not here to just watch.
Dalton: Oh, well, that's hardly fair.
Dell: Life's not fair.
Dalton: I just slapped you. Are you all right?

Ellie: You sure? You read the whole thing?
Dalton: You know that conchs produce pearls?
Ellie: Yes
Dalton: And that they have ornate spiral...
Ellie: Shells. Yes, everyone knows that.
Dalton: That one in every 15,000 produces a pink pearl.
Ellie: Sounds romantic. Unless you're a conch. Because what actually happens is the conch gets a bit of grit inside its shell, which causes extreme irritation.
Dalton: "Extreme irritation"... that leads to something beautiful. How is that not romantic?

Dockmaster: Won't find the body. Crocs hide their food.
Dalton: I didn't know that.
Dockmaster: That's why no one believed me about Shantsie. My dog. Damn croc got him, too.

Frankie: [Walks into her darkened office] Holy shit. You scared the shit out of me
Dalton: That was kind of my intention.

Frankie: Hey, nice suit. You look like a shitty pimp on Easter. Then again, you always had bad taste.
Ben Brandt: Thank you. It's Cleopini, Frankie. I went to Italy to get it fucking fitted.
Frankie: It's a long way to go to still look like dog shit.

Sheriff's Deputy: Wait. You don't have to do this.
Dalton: Oh.. I wish I didn't. But I'm angry. It takes a lot to get me angry, but when I am I just can't let go. I wish I could but your boss and Brandt really pissed me off.

Ben Brandt: You, tell me about this bouncer.
Moe: Oh, uh, yeah I dunno, man. He's kinda strange, you know?
Ben Brandt: What do you mean, strange?
Moe: Yeah.. You know, he acts all nice and shit like he's Mr. Rogers or something. But then, man, he hauls off. He hauls off! He beats the living shit outta you! So, really interesting guy, overall.
Ben Brandt: That was a brilliant analysis. Sam, throw these dum-dums overboard.

Frankie: So, listen, I own a roadhouse out in the Florida Keys.
Dalton: A roadhouse, huh?
Frankie: Hemingway used to drink there. You know, Ernest Hemingway?
Dalton: Good for you.

Charlie: I was kind of worried you came here to return 'Fred the Tree.'
Dalton: Why would I do that? How else am I supposed to learn about the Keys' famous six-toed cats?
Charlie: Good point.

