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ReBoot was a Canadian (CGI) animated series that was produced by Mainframe Entertainment, created by Gavin Blair, Ian Pearson, Phil Mitchell and John Grace, with character designed by Brendan McCarthy and Ian Gibson. Originally it was aired from 1994 to 2001. It was credited with being the first full-length, completely computer-animated TV series. When the series debuted in 1994, the first computer-animated feature film, Toy Story, had not yet been released until 1995, created by Disney/Pixar. Originally made for children, the series attracted many older fans when it became thematically darker partway through its second season.

Episode 14 - Infected

Bob: Glitch! Uh... Anything!

Hexadecimal: Megabyte, what a delightful mess you're making!
Megabyte: Thank you, Hex. I thought you'd enjoy it.
Hexadecimal: Now you wouldn't be intending to erase me, would you?
Megabyte: Oh, come now. Would that be any way to treat family?

Phong: You have what you need. Now use his greed....

Episode 15 - High Code

Bob: Okay, mister, first thing's first, release my friend, now!
Lens: Very well.

[Codemaster Lens is destroying Mainframe bit by bit]
Dot: We need more transport! We've gotta get everyone out of here now!
CPU trooper: Everything that flies is in motion, Ms Matrix!
Dot: Not quite everything. Drastic times call for drastic measures. (calls Megabyte)
Megabyte: Ms Matrix, what a delightful...intrusion.
Dot: This is strictly business, Megabyte.
Megabyte: Oh really? Do tell. A partnership, perhaps?
Dot: Hardly. I need to rent some transport, now.
Megabyte: I do apologize, but this is not a taxi service. Especially under present circumstances.
Dot: But-!
Megabyte: Please, don't ask for any personal favors. Codemasters and viruses have a rather, how should I put this...unpleasant history? Good luck. (closes Dot's vid window) You'll need it.
Dot: Well, I guess it's all up to Bob now....

[Bob has arranged it so the User will win the game, nullifying him and Lens]
Bob: All that's left is to ride it out. You know, I'm gonna miss these games. And my friends.
Lens: You would give your own life for them?
Bob: Yeah. You know, tradition.

[Bob has stopped Lens crushing Old Man Pearson underfoot]
Lens: Out of my way, Guardian!
Bob: You'll have to take me first.
Dot: Copy that.
Enzo: And triple copy it!
Lens: You mean this old binome is so important that you would give up your very codes for him?
Bob: Yeah. Call it a Mainframe tradition.
Lens: Throughout the entire net, I have never witnessed such a blatant, contemptous display of-
Enzo: Friendship?
Lens: Honour.

Enzo: I knew you'd do it!

Dot: I can't believe you're-

Bob: Put it there, old man...

Old Man Pearson: What are you trying to do? Make an old man sick? GO WA-WAWAWAWAWA-AWAY! [Murmuring inaudibly himself with grumpiness]

Episode 16 - When Games Collide

[Arguing over each other at the controls of the Leech Command]
Slash: How do we turn this thing on?
Hack: What are you asking me for?
Slash: Well, because!
Hack: I thought- I don't remember. I- I used to know.
Slash: Is this it?
Hack: You made me forget!
Slash: Push the button!
Hack: Push the butt- D'oh, push the button!
Slash: No, you push it!
Hack: You push it!
Slash: Every time I push it, something bad happens!
Hack: It doesn't matter who pushes it!
Slash: OK, push it!
Hack: Alright, I'll push it.

Enzo: Hey Bob, what are games like in the supercomputer?
Bob: Huh. Well, they're a lot faster and a lot harder. Some games are networked too.
Enzo: You mean more than one Mainframe?
Bob: That's right, Enzo, there are more systems out there than you can imagine.

[Bob is just rescuing Enzo before Megabyte's portal is going to be destroyed]
Megabyte: My portal!
[Portal dropped and smashed]
Bob: Enzo, are you alright?
Enzo: Bob.... I saw the supercomputer!
Dot: Uh...guys? [Is in Hack and Slash's clutches]
Bob: You owe me one, Megabyte.
Megabyte: ....Let them go.
Viral binome: But sir-!
Megabyte: I said let them go! [Bob, Enzo and Dot leave] Now we are even, Guardian. Now we are even...

Episode 17 - Bad Bob

[A game cube has landed on half of the Principal Office]
Captain Quirk: They finally, really did it! The maniacs...they blew it up!

Bob: Alright, Megatruck, let's get busy!

Slash: Bob! Hack is crying!

Phong: Principal Office airlines at your service. Please take your seats and fasten your safety belts!

Bob: Okay, Megatruck, it's time to on load. Pulling the horn to hunk

Episode 18 - Painted Windows

Megabyte: [Bellowing] HEXADECIMAALLLLLL...!
Hack, Slash: Oh...ah...uh, boss...
Hexadecimal: You called?
Megabyte: You destroyed my Tor! I will get you for this!
Hexadecimal: [Wears teary face] Oh, but your sector was looking sooooo dreary, [Wears open mouth smiley face] so I simply cheered it up a little bit. [Wears angry face] There's no need to make such a long face about it! [Stretches Megabyte's face]
Megabyte: Hexade-- [Gets a smile painted on his face with muffled scream]
Hack: Holy...
Slash: ...moly!

Episode 19 - AndrAIa

Mike the TV: Next time on True Stories of Mainframe!
Captain Capacitor actor: Arrrrg, how do you know that then?
Bob actor: I'm a Gardener! I know everything!
Crew member: Psst! That's Guardian! Guardian!

[Bob storms into Dot's Diner with a pair of binomes]
Bob: You nearly got us nullified! I can't believe you did that!
Enzo: Bob!
[Enzo goes to jump on Bob, but Bob unknowingly dodges him and Enzo crashes into a table]
Dot: Hey, Bob. Problems?
Bob: You could say that. These two booted into the game and tried to win it by setting off an explosion capable of destroying a planet!
Dot: Bad idea.
Bob: Yes. Especially when you're INSIDE THE PLANET! Why'd you do it?
Captain Quirk: I had to, mister!
Bob: And all he did was keep saying "Make it so!"
Jean-Luc: And "engage!" I said "engage" more times than "make it so," actually.

[Discussing Enzo's loneliness]
Dot: We're both too busy running businesses or saving Mainframe to have time for him.
Bob: He hasn't got any friends because there aren't many small sprites left in Mainframe since the twin city was destroyed.
[Dot suddenly becomes unhappy]
Bob: Oh! I'm sorry, Dot, I didn't mean to-
Dot: No, I'm okay. It's just that talk of the other city reminds me of my father.
Bob: It wasn't his fault, Dot, the experiment just got out of control.
Dot: I know, I know, I- I just wish he were here now, I miss him....
Bob: C'mon, let's see if we can help Enzo.

Enzo: Everyone's having a better time than me! I've got no one to play with and it's all Dad's fault! If he hadn't deleted most of the other sprites, I'd have some friends!

Bob: Wow, Dot looks amazing! What a babe!
Dot: I heard that.
Bob: What? Did I say that or just think it?
Dot: You thought it. We're telepathic, it's part of our game character.
Bob: Ah, sorry. I'd better be more careful about what I say- uhh, think.
Dot: That'll be a first.

AndrAIa: I like you, Enzo.
Enzo: Uhh.... I like you too, AndrAIa.

Bob: It's a Game Sprite, outside of a game! I don't believe it! [Pause] Hey, what does she mean by "Guardian"?

Episode 20 - Nullzilla

[After a signal that makes the nulls go crazy]
Phong: Very strange...the signal is being emitted from Lost Angles!
Bob: Megabyte!
Enzo: Hexadecimal, Bob.
Bob: What? Right, Hexadecimal. Did I say Megabyte?

Hack: What a good boy. Look, now he's going for a walk.
Slash: Uh, what phase number is walking Nibbles?
Hack: Uhhh.... There is no number for walking Nibbles.
Slash: Well, that means he just ran away.
Hack: Yup, that is right. He ran away, alright.
Slash: He's gone.
Hack: He is. Look at him go.
Hack & Slash: Ahhh...!

[After the nulls all cover Hexadecimal]
Mike the TV: It's coming! It's coming I tell ya! Backspace for your lives. Run, run, RUN! And when you're finished, run some more!
Hack: [Searching for Megabyte's pet null Nibbles] Ahem. We're looking for a null.
Slash: That's right, uh, have you seen one?
Mike the TV: Have I seen one? HAVE I SEEN ONE?! ...that's a joke, right?
Hack: Hey, whaddaya mean "joke"?
Slash: Joke. Noun. Something said or done to cause laughter, something not in earnest, or ridiculous.
Hack and Mike: [Look at him with surprise]
Mike the TV: Hack, Slash, it's your lucky day. You were looking for a single null. Well, what about two million? It's Nullzilla!

Bob: You're prepared for a monster made entirely out of nulls stomping around Mainframe?
Phong: That is correct!
Bob: ....How do you plan for that?
Phong: Uh... Lucky guess?

[Summoning attack vehicles to battle Nullzilla]
Bob: OK, let's do it. Black Beetle Turbo-Pincer Force.
Dot: Ladybird Accelerator Spotted-Carapace Force!
Enzo: Grasshopper Sync-Pulse Hopping Force!
Frisket: [ Barks and growls, summoning a wasp vehicle]
Mike the TV: ....Gnat Slightly Annoyed High-Pitched Buzzing Force.

Episode 21 - Gigabyte

Bob: Any sign of what attacked her?
Phong: No, my son. Whatever came out of her mirror has either gone or cannot be detected by my sensors.
Bob: Phong, this creature attacked Hexadecimal first. Maybe it preys on viruses.
Phong: Which could mean...
Hexadecimal: Megabyte....!
Bob: That's right.... I believe it may-
Hexadecimal: No! Megabyte! [Pointing to a black and grey, totally feral Megabyte]

Bob: You'd better start talking, Hex. You and Megabyte started to merge back there!
Hexadecimal: Yes, Bob. We are from the same viral strain.
Bob: The same family?
Hexadecimal: Oh, much worse than that, Guardian. He's my BROTHER! [Laughs maniacally]
Bob: But... But you're always trying to destroy each other!
Hexadecimal: Oh, that's just sibling rivalry.
Bob: What will happen if you two join?
Hexadecimal: The next generation! [Laughs maniacally]
Bob: Why don't I like the sound of that?

[After the web creature/Megabyte and Hexadecimal have merged]
Bob: Phong, I'm gonna try and talk to him. Maybe the transformation has created a benign virus.
Enzo: What? Benign? Sure. You can tell that just by looking at him.
AndrAIa: You can?
Phong: AndrAIa, Enzo was trying to be funny...

Bob: I am Guardian four five two. State your name and function.
Gigabyte: I am become Gigabyte, destroyer of Systems!
Bob: Not this System, bub.

Bob: It's working, Phong. In a few more nanos, he'll be too far from the city to get back, and there's nowhere left for him to get energy from-
Hack: [Screams and gibbers as Gigabyte bleeds him dry]
Bob: Apart from us!!
Slash: Hack! Oh, Hack, speak to me! Wake up!...Drain my friend of energy?! I DON'T THINK SO! [Uppercuts Gigabyte, knocking him back to Mainframe]
Bob: You IDIOT! Look what you've done!
Slash: What? He hurt my friend...
Bob: Phong? ...Cancel everything I just said. Gigabyte's back in town. I'm on my way. Slash! C'mere!

Gigabyte: This is your last line of defence? Two small sprites?
Enzo: Two small sprites! That's right! A girl...
AndrAIa: A boy...
Enzo: And his dog!
AndrAIa: Get him, Frisket!

Episode 22 - Trust No One

Employee: [Dumps trash bag in alley dumpster] Garbage in, garbage out, isn't that right Al?
Al: [Repeated and only line] WHAT?!

Modem: When I was just a little node, I saw my sister taken by a strange creature. It had fangs...just like Mouse.
Bob: Excuse me, but is your partner completely random?
Nully: Not completely...
Bob: Okay, why didn't it take you too then?
Modem: I don't know... I was reading comic bytes in bed. When I peeked out from under the covers I saw something hovering over my sister. And I pointed my flashlight at it and a moment later, it...and my sister...were gone. I'll never forget the noise it made.
Bob: I don't want to seem insensitive, but next you'll be telling me you've seen the User.
Modem: There is no User. That's just induced mass psychosis engineered by the Guardians.
Bob: What? But what about the games?
Modem: Sent by the Guardians to promote the User myth.
Nully: Another conspiracy theory, Modem?
Modem: One of many.
Bob: So let me get this straight... There's a web creature, posing as Mouse, loose in Mainframe, abducting sprites, for what purpose?
Modem: I haven't worked that out yet.
Bob: Okay. And Guardians are control freaks willing to sacrifice the very people they're sworn to protect by dropping games on them?
Modem: That's correct.
Bob: Tell me, did Phong interview you personally for this job? Didn't think so.

Turbo: We're all agreed, then. Releasing codes, now. [Presses the trackball button to release]
[A holographic hourglass is counting down to Mouse's communicator exploding and destroying Mainframe]
Turbo: I'd like to be alone for this one. Bob and I go back a long way.
[After the other Guardians leave, Turbo resets the countdown]
Turbo: That's the best I can do. Good luck, Bob. I'm so sorry, Mouse...

[A massive portal to the web has opened over Mainframe]
Modem: You see, Nully, the web is out there.
Nully: No, Modem, it's here.

Bob: This is it, Phong. Prepare for war.

Episode 23 - Web World Wars

[Dot's new armour has an enormous cannon strapped onto it]
Dot: What do you think? Does it make me look too butch?
Mouse: Nah. Listen, while I'm workin' on the codes with'll watch my back, won't ya?
Dot: What do you think this is for?

Bob: Cadet Matrix!
Enzo: Bob?
Bob: Why aren't you in uniform? You know how serious things are. It's time you got suited up.
Enzo: What?!
Bob: [Whispering] Just follow me on this one. *ahem* Due to the current crisis we're all facing, I am invoking emergency code 95-1-0. Enzo, give me your icon.
Enzo: Okay...
Bob: [Downloads code from his own icon to Enzo's] Command line - icon. Download Guardian protocol to version 1.0. Enzo Matrix, there is a huge responsibility in taking the Guardian badge of office. Do you accept?
Enzo: Yes sir!
Bob: By the power vested in me, I give you a field commission as Guardian, first level.
Enzo: [Taps his icon, changing his clothes to a Guardian uniform] Thanks, Bob!
Bob: No, Enzo. You've really earned this. You'll be transferred to the super computer to attend the academy and become a full-fledged Guardian like me. I know you'll make me proud.
Dot: [Via communicator] Bob, we're at the Tor. Megabyte, Mouse, Hexadecimal and I are ready to go. [Pause] I can't believe I just said that!
Bob: OK, let's do it. Guardian Enzo?
Enzo: Yes sir?
Bob: This is it. Should anything happen to me, I am charging you with defence of this system. [To AndrAIa] And look after him, will you? [He flies off the Principal Office with the zip board]
AndrAIa: You look cool, Enzo!
Enzo: Awe... Thanks, AndrAIa. [To Bob] And thanks, Bob.

Megabyte: Mouse....
Mouse: I'm workin' as fast as I can! Just tell the witch to be ready.
Hexadecimal: I heard that! What a sweet thing to say! Charges the hardware up]
Bob: We've gotta do this now! What's taking so long?
Mouse: That's it! I've broken their code!
Hexadecimal: The hardware is fully charged!
Megabyte: Excellent. Now it's my turn.... [surreptitiously extends his claws]
Bob: Okay, everyone, get ready! We're going to shut the portal!
Megabyte: [Suddenly destroys Dot's cannon for his betrayal) Not just yet, Guardian.
Bob: Gli-! [Megabyte gagged Bob, takes Glitch and crushes Glitch]
Megabyte: Now! [Herr Doctor presses the button to initiate the missile and Megabyte flings Bob into the missile]
Bob: Megabyte, you won't get away with this!
Megabyte: No time to talk now, Bob. [To Herr Doctor] Launch!
[Mouse thwarts Herr Doctor and flung him away]
Mouse: [Draws her katana at Megabyte] One more step and I'll subdivide you. [Hexadecimal knocks her out of the way] What?!
[Megabyte grins evilly at Bob, Bob fears and then presses the launch button]
Dot: BOB...!

Phong: Bob... Bob, come in!
Dot: He can't hear you, Phong.
Phong: Dot, Mouse, where is Bob? What is happened?!
Dot: It's bad, Phong, very bad. [Givrs Glitch to Enzo] I'm sorry.
Enzo: No... NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO...! [Crying]

Megabyte: Phong. Drop all defences on the Principal Office, and welcome to Megaframe...
Hexadecimal: I love it when he talks like that.
Phong: We will fight you to the last, Megabyte!
Megabyte: You have no defences, you fools! Your Guardian is lost! Nothing can stand in our way. Mainframe is ours.
AndrAIa: WRONG! We do have a Guardian! Guardian, your keytool. Remember what Bob said.
Enzo: [Attaches Glitch to arm] I am Guardian Matrix, charged with defending this system. Two viruses take over my home? I don't think so!