Raymond Radiguet

French writer

Raymond Radiguet (1903 – 1923) was a French novelist and poet.


  • L'originalité consiste à essayer de faire comme tout le monde sans y parvenir.
    • Translation: Originality consists in trying to be like everybody else — and failing.
    • As quoted by Jean Cocteau in his acceptance speech to the Académie Française (20 October 1955)
  • Tout âge porte ses fruits, il faut savoir les cueillir.
    • Translation: Every age bears its fruits, it's all in knowing how to harvest them.
    • Raymond Radiguet: Le bal du comte d'Orgel. Paris 1924. P. 15.
  • Les manoeuvres inconscientes d'une âme pure sont encore plus singulières que les combinaisons du vice
    • Translation: The uncounscious actions of a pure soul are even more strange than the vice's schemes.
    • Raymond Radiguet: Le bal du comte d'Orgel. Paris 1924. P. 1.
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