German Neue-Deutsche-Härte; industrial metal band
Rammstein is a German heavy metal band formed in 1994. Their musical style, which they have dubbed Tanz-Metall ("Dance Metal"), incorporates elements of metal, industrial and electronic music. They are also acclaimed the founders of their own genre; Neue Deutsche Harte.

edit- I fucked the keyboardist, the keyboard was too cold and lifeless.
- Till Lindemann, after being arrested for lewd and lascivious behavior on-stage in Massachusetts.
- Seitdem ich Guitar Rig 3 benutze, fühlt sich mein Haar viel voller an!
- Translation: Since I've been using Guitar Rig 3, my hair just feels so much fuller!
- Paul Landers, in an Interview with Native Instruments
Du Hast, Track 5
- Willst du bis der Tod euch scheidet sie lieben auch in schlechten Tagen?
- Translation: Are you willing to love her even in bad times until death does you part?
- Du hast mich gefragt, und ich hab' nichts gesagt.
- Translation: You have asked me and I have said nothing.
Mutter, Track 6 (See also Maxim Gorky and his 1907 novel Mother..)
- Die Tränen greiser Kinderschar
- Translation: The tears of a crowd of very old children
- Ich zieh sie auf ein weises Haar
- Translation: I string them on a white hair
- Werf in die Luft die nasse Kette
- Translation: I throw the wet chain into the air
- Und wünsch mir, dass ich eine Mutter hätte
- Translation: And I wish that I had a Mother
- In meiner Kehle steckt ein Schlauch
- Translation: In my throat, a tube is stuck
- Hab keinen Nabel auf dem Bauch
- Translation: I have no navel on my stomach
- Niemand gab mir einen Namen
- Translation: No one gave me a name
- Gezeugt in Hast und ohne Samen
- Translation:Fathered in haste and without semen
- In ihren Lungen wohnt ein Aal
- Translation: In her lungs lives an eel
- Auf meiner Stirn ein Muttermal
- Translation: On my forehead, a birth mark
- Entferne es mit Messers Kuss
- Translation: I remove it with a knife's kiss
- Auch wenn ich daran sterben muss
- Translation: Even if it causes me to die
Nebel, Track 11
- Sie stehen eng umschlungen
- Translation: They stand with their arms around each other
- Ein Fleischgemisch so reich an Tagen
- Translation: A mixture of flesh, so rich in days
- Sie tragt dem Abend in der Brust
- Translation: She carries the evening in her chest
- Und weiss dass sie verleben muss
- Translation: And knows that she must wither away
Reise Reise (2004)
editAmerika, Track 6 (See also Karl Marx, Das Capital, Volume 1, Chapter 23, pg. 633)
- Wir bilden einen lieben Reigen
- Translation: We are making a nice round dance
- Die Freiheit spielt auf allen Geigen
- Translation: Freedom is playing on all the violins
- Musik kommt aus dem Weissen Haus
- Translation: Music comes from the White House
- Und vor Paris steht Micky Maus
- Translation: And in front of Paris stands Mickey Mouse
- Und wer nicht tanzen will am Schluss
- Translation: And whoever doesn't want to dance
- Weiß noch nicht dass er tanzen muss
- Translation: Doesn't know yet that they must
- We are all living in America, Amerika ist wunderbar
- Translation: America is wonderful....
- We're all living in America / Coca-Cola, Wonderbra
Quotes about Rammstein
edit- In both form and imagery, Rammstein's lyrics have a distinct history in German poetry. The source is the neue sachlickeit—new concreteness—of the 1920s, of which Georg Trakl is the best-known exponent. These poets aimed to represent reality in concrete images, and their reality, as it happened, revolved around a preoccupation with blood and smashed faces. The influence of poets like Trakl is particularly obvious in the band’s fascination with gore and despair. Rammstein's lyrics also have something in common with the notorious Morgue cycle of Gottfried Benn, the Berlin venereal disease specialist who pledged his allegiance to the Nazi Party until it ex-pelled him for perversion. Their imagery is suggestive as well of postwar German expressionist paintings, in particular those of Otto Dix, who having spent four years in the trenches had a fine pictorial feel for what things looked like after an exchange of artillery. Songs by Rammstein with sado-masochistic sexual themes, such as Mein Teil ("My Part")—a homage to the German cannibal Armin Miewes, who in 2002 shared a final meal with his willing victim of the man’s severed, flambéed organ—would not have been out of place in Julius Streicher's Der Stürmer, a newspaper even many Nazis found excessive in its pornographic obsessions and sensationalism.
- Claire Berlinski, Rammstein's Rage
See also
edit- Till Lindemann, Singer
- Christian Lorenz, Keyboardist
External links
edit- Herzeleid lyrics and translations
- Rammstein + Langenscheidt = German fluency
- Langenscheidt Dictionary's
- Berlitz Language Training