Raja Prithu (also known as Jalpeswara) was a warrior king of the early medieval period in the present-day state of Assam, India and Bangladesh. Archeological remains of a Shiva temple and extensive fortifications in present-day Jalpaiguri in India and present day Rangpur District of Bangladesh are attributed to him.

Quotes edit

  • What happened to the prisoners of war in Kamrupa? Hundreds of Khilji’s soldiers were captured by Prithu in battle. The imprisoned soldiers sought pardon and shelter. The kind king Prithu pardoned them, set them free, and made arrangements for their settlement. This was part of the rule of Dharma that Hindu kings followed in warfare and while dealing with prisoners of war. He gave them all essential commodities for a living. As they came from Gauda (Bengal), the king christened them as Gaudia. This marked the beginning of Islamic settlements in Assam.
    • Rawal M. S. & Rawal Y. S. (2019). Saffron swords. Garuda Prakashan.

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