Punisher: War Zone

2008 film directed by Lexi Alexander

Punisher: War Zone is a 2008 film and the third adaption of Marvel Comics' Punisher series. The film follows Frank Castle (the Punisher) as he targets his war on crime against disfigured mob boss Billy Russotti, aka, Jigsaw.

Directed by Lexi Alexander. Written by Lexi Alexander and Nick Santora.
Vengeance has a name. (taglines)
  • [To Grace Donatelli] For the next time somebody gets in your light. [hands her a flashlight]
  • Sometimes I'd like to get my hands on God.
  • Let me put you out of my misery.
  • This is just the beginning.
  • Pittsy, pour me a drink!
  • It was time for me to take over, anyway. Thanks to the Punisher, I won't even get my fucking hands dirty.
  • Head for the port, do your monkey thing, get over the security fence and hand out the money.
  • [after seeing his "repaired" face] I need to talk to my doctor alone.
  • Billy is dead. From now on, you call me Jigsaw.
  • Hello, Mrs. Donatelli. Or will you be calling yourself "Miss" from now on?
  • And how about you, sweet cheeks? Are you going to swear on an imaginary friend?
  • You're lucky I came to you with this. That I'm a patriot, just like you. I shit red, white and blue.
  • This deal is going down tonight.
  • Let's play a game! What do you say?

James Russoti/Loony Bin Jim

  • Yummy, yummy, yummy in my tummy, tummy, tummy.
  • Did you know that kidneys and applesauce are a delicacy in Sweden?
  • I axed you a question. You don't answer? I guess I'll just have to axe it again.
  • I'm gonna get my applesauce back!
  • I promise you two things: one, I will find Castle, and I will kill him. Slowly, and painfully. And two, you will ever, ever have to look at your refection again, as long as you're with me.
  • Won't be replacing that son of yours anytime soon! Blood in the urine: early indicator of a kidney failure! You should be seeing double right about now! THAT would be a torn meniscus.

Linus Lieberman/Microchip

  • Ever heard of "Jihadi Blogger.com?" I'm posing as a one-armed Wahhabi warrior who took a crap in a cave next to Bin Laden. I think I can spare you a couple of rocket launchers.
  • I know this thing with the Fed is eating you up inside but that doesn't mean you pack up your tent. We all make mistakes, Frank. You're fighting a war against the assholes who slip through the raindrops, who get away with it. In every war, there's collateral damage. You know that.
  • You know the police have nothing on him. Their hands are tied! This is where the Punisher comes in! That's why I believe in you; why I've supported you all these years! You want me to tell you when something happens to Mrs. Donatelli and her daughter? 'Cause that's what's gonna happen. You don't think he's gonna go after them for revenge? It's not a question of "if," it's a matter of "when!"

Paul Budiansky

  • You have the right to SHUT THE FUCK UP!
  • [after Frank kills Pittsy] GODDAMMIT, CASTLE!
  • With all do respect sir, that...is BULLSHIT!

Martin Soap

  • Castle's a slippery one.
  • Agent..."Budiansky?" Did I get that right?
  • Take a look at some of the case files. Get a lay of the land, I'll get us a pie from "Milano's," BEST pizza in the city.
  • Six years ago, Frank Castle was a Special Forces instructor. And, a simple family man. One day, he takes his wife and kids out for a picnic, and, by chance, or fate, depending on what you believe in, they witnessed a mob execution. When they were discovered...but Castle survived. Since then, he's been hunting down one crime family after another.

Angela Donatelli

  • You don't get to shoot my husband in cold blood and stop at the ATM machine.
  • Who punishes you?


Billy Russoti: Alright, that's it, no more distractions. We need to focus on my goals. One: we gotta get my money back. Two: we're gonna get rid of Frank Castle.
Ink: But he took out, like thirty of us. I mean, how are we going to kill him before he'll kill us?
Billy Russoti: My brother will take care of that.
Ink: Loony Bin Jim?
Pittsy: Shut the fuck up!
Billy Russoti: [chokes Ink] His name is James. Not Loony Bin Jim. Not LBJ. James.
Ink: I'm sorry. It's a good idea! Really, it is. [Billy releases him]
Pittsy: Don't mind him. He doesn't think before he talks, just like his mother! Sorry about that, Billy.
Billy Russoti: Billy is dead. From now on... you call me, "Jigsaw."

Pittsy: The fuck you doin?!
Maginty: Uh...would it be alright, if we took the roof, instead of the long way?
Pittsy: Whatever.
Maginty: You're a fucking saint!

Jigsaw: [Towards Loony Bin Jim's cruel asylum orderly as they break Loony Bin Jim out.] I'll take care of this guy.
Loony Bin Jim: Oh no, brother. Fatso's mine!
Jigsaw: Of course.
[Loony Bin Jim slowly walks towards the orderly as the orderly stares in fear.]
Loony Bin Jim: I'm gonna get my applesauce back. Did you know...kidneys and applesauce are a delicacy in Sweden? Did you know that? Yes. Yummy yummy yummy in my tummy tummy tummy.
[Loony Bin Jim pins the orderly to the ground behind a desk as we hear tearing and gushing sounds with Loony Bin Jim growling insane and the orderly groans in pain]
Pittsy: [holds a bottle of pills] What do you say, boss? Stuff might come in handy.
Jigsaw: What for?
Pittsy: Well, uh... in case he starts, you know, not feeling so good.
[Loony Bin Jim tears the man's kidney out and starts eating it]
Jigsaw: He's doing just great.

Jigsaw: Welcome, welcome, welcome.
Angela Donatelli: Please. Help us!
Loony Bin Jim: Shut the fuck up!
Jigsaw: Come on, Castle. Don't be shy. Throw down your gun.
[Castle tosses the gun away]
Loony Bin Jim: Die, you bastard!
Jigsaw: No! James, that's no way to punish the Punisher.
[Jigsaw picks up the gun, examines the remaining rounds, and shoots Frank]
Jigsaw: Oh, ho ho! Nice shooter! [walks up to Micro, shooting Frank two more times] Catch! [throws him the gun] Let's play a game! What do you say? You got one round left in there. You shoot one of these two, I'll let the other one go free. What do you say, Frank? Who's it to be? You fat friend right here, or that nice little piece of jailbait over there?
Frank Castle: Burn in hell.
Jigsaw: Okay. Then they both die. [moves to shoot Micro]
Micro: Frank! She's a kid. Shoot me.
[Frank aims his gun at Micro, but lowers it]
Jigsaw: Okay, fuck it. Kill her first.
Angela Donatelli: No!
Frank Castle: Stop!
Jigsaw: He's made a decision. [to Micro] Not lookin' too good for you, fatso.
[Frank aims his gun at Micro]
Jigsaw: After three, Castle. One... two...
Frank Castle: You won't feel a thing, Micro.
Jigsaw: Three.
[Frank shoots Loony Bin Jim]

[Frank impales Jigsaw with a metal rod]
Jigsaw: Fuck you.
Frank Castle: Let me put you out of my misery. [pushes him onto a fire]

Agent Budiansky: Which drawer?
Martin Soap: What?
Agent Budiasnky: The alleged punisher murders.
Martin Soap: All of them.
[Budiansky looks around the room, seeing that the room is filled with different file cabinets]

Jigsaw: [After he and his goons break into the Donatelli home] Evening, Mrs. Donatelli. Or, will you be calling yourself "Miss" from now on?
Angela Donatelli: What do you want from us?
Jigsaw: I'm looking for my money, which your rat of a husband stole from me!
Angela Donatelli: But we don't have it, I swear to god!
Jigsaw: [To Grace] How about you, sweet-cheeks? Would you also like to swear on an imaginary friend?


  • Vengeance has a name.


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