Diana, Princess of Wales

member of the British royal family and Princess of Wales (1961–1997)
(Redirected from Princess Diana)

Diana, Princess of Wales (Diana Frances; née Spencer; 1 July 196131 August 1997) was the first wife of Charles, Prince of Wales (now Charles III). The couple had two sons: William, Prince of Wales and Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex, born on June 21, 1982, and September 15, 1984, respectively. However, the couple's marriage was unsuccessful; they separated in 1992 and divorced on August 28, 1996. The princess died in a fatal car accident in Paris on 31 August 1997.

I am finding it very difficult to cope with the pressures of being Princess of Wales, but I am learning to cope with it. ~ Diana, Princess of Wales


  • Anthony Carthew (ITN): And, I suppose, in love?
    Lady Diana Spencer: Of course!
    Charles, Prince of Wales: Whatever 'in love' means.
    • From the interview given at the time of their engagement (24 February 1981), as cited in "Anthony Carthew" (Obituary), The Times (22 January 2007).
    • In a BBC interview at the time (24 February 1981), Prince Charles said: "Delighted and frankly amazed that Diana is prepared to take me on."
  • From early childhood many had felt they were expected to be perfect, but didn't feel they had the right to express their true feelings to those around them - feelings of guilt of self revulsion and low personal esteem. Creating in them a compulsion to 'disolve like a disprin' and disappear.
  • Each person is born with very individual qualities and potential. We as a society owe it to women to create a truly supportive environment in which they too can grow and move forward.
    • [Speech given by The Princess of Wales on women and mental health (1 June 1993)]
  • Care in the community is a partnership. A partnership between skilled and caring professionals and a concerned and caring community. Working together, to find new ways of helping these people who've been excluded and connecting them with neighbours who will understand and accept them. By providing, proper funding for the homes they will need and the support they so rightly deserve, we can show them how much we care.
  • When I started my public life, twelve years ago, I understood the media might be interested in what I did. I realized then their attention would inevitably focus on both our private and public lives. But I was not aware of how overwhelming that attention would become. Nor the extent to which it would affect both my public duties and my personal life, in a manner, that's been hard to bear. At the end of this year, when I've completed my diary of official engagements, I will be reducing the extent of the public life I've lead so far.
  • Well, there were three of us in this marriage, so it was a bit crowded.
    • Responding to the question "Do you think Mrs Parker Bowles was a factor in the breakdown of your marriage?" in an interview with Martin Bashir on BBC Panorama (20 November 1995)
  • She won't go quietly, that's the problem. I'll fight to the end, because I believe that I have a role to fulfill, and I've got two children to bring up.
    • Interview with Martin Bashir on BBC Panorama (20 November 1995)
  • I always knew I'd never be the next queen. I'd like to be a queen of people's hearts, in people's hearts, but I don't see myself being queen of this country. I don't think many people will want me to be queen.
    • Interview with Martin Bashir on BBC Panorama (20 November 1995)
  • I do things differently, because I don't go by a rule book, because I lead from the heart, not the head, and albeit that's got me into trouble in my work, I understand that.
    • Interview with Martin Bashir on BBC Panorama (20 November 1995)
  • The kindness and affection from the public have carried me through some of the most difficult periods, and always your love and affection have eased the journey.
    • Princess Diana on the public 1995, BBC Panorama interview
  • I think the British people need someone in public life to give affection, to make them feel important, to support them, to give them light in their dark tunnels. I see it as a possibly unique role, and yes, I’ve had difficulties, as everybody has witnessed over the years, but let’s now use the knowledge I’ve gathered to help other people in distress
    • Princess Diana on the society 1995, BBC Panorama interview
  • Everyone needs to be valued. Everyone has the potential to give something back.
    • The Guardian, December 9, 1995, p. 2
  • It takes professionalism to convince a doubting public that it should accept back into its midst many of those diagnosed as psychotics, neurotics and other sufferers who Victorian communities decided should be kept out of sight in the safety of mental institutions.
  • Anywhere I see suffering, that is where I want to be, doing what I can.
    • Attributed to Diana by her biographer Andrew Morton, The Sun (1 September 1997), p. 18
  • HIV doesn't make people dangerous to know, so you can shake their hands and give them a hug. Heaven knows they need it.
  • The worst illness of our time is that so many people have to suffer from never being loved.
  • Two things stand like stone: kindness in anothers trouble, courage in your own. (This is a quote from poet Adam Lindsay Gordon)
    • "Princess Diana Charity Work", Biography Online
  • They say it is better to be poor and happy than rich and miserable, but how about a compromise like moderately rich and just moody?
    • "Princess Diana: 10 most inspiring quotes from the 'people's princess'", Hello Magazine, Daily News (1 July 2015)
  • I don’t want expensive gifts; I don’t want to be bought. I have everything I want. I just want someone to be there for me, to make me feel safe and secure.
    • "Princess Diana: 10 most inspiring quotes from the 'people's princess'", Hello Magazine, Daily News (1 July 2015)
  • If you find someone you love in your life, then hang on to that love.
    • "Princess Diana: 10 most inspiring quotes from the 'people's princess'", Hello Magazine, Daily News (1 July 2015)

Quotes about Diana, Princess of Wales

In alphabetical order by author or source within the chronological sections.


  • She is in that adversary mood toward the press that is the first stage in the removal from life that fame inflicts.


  • She was well loved and admired across the Commonwealth and was emerging as a potent symbol of our common humanity in her evident commitment to others less fortunate than herself.
  • Princess Diana in her official position and in a personal capacity has made an extraordinary contribution not only to her country but to the world.
  • In our opinion she was the foremost ambassador for Aids awareness on the planet and no one can fill her shoes in terms of the work she did.
    • Gavin Hart of the National Aids Trust, "BBC"
  • It has ended, at a young age, the life of a person who held a particular fascination for many people around the world.
  • She believed, against all the evidence of her own beautiful eyes, that there was some kind of enchanted place called Abroad, where she would be understood and where she could lead a more normal life.
  • Her genuine concern for the plight of others and her ability to talk to anybody and make them feel special were her remarkable qualities. Her loss has been felt here very deeply because of the wonderful work she did here with patients. She will be very deeply missed.
    • Rebecca Mosley, The Royal Marsden NHS Trustt's communications manager, "BBC"
  • She represented Britain with nobility and warmth and she captured the imagination of millions throughout the world with her dedication to her children and to innumerable worthy causes. Her untimely death is a shock to all who admired her and who will cherish her memory
  • I don't think she ever understood why her genuinely good intentions were sneered at by the media, why there appeared to be a permanent quest on their behalf to bring her down. It is baffling. My own and only explanation is that genuine goodness is threatening to those at the opposite end of the moral spectrum. It is a point to remember that of all the ironies about Diana, perhaps the greatest was this - a girl given the name of the ancient goddess of hunting was, in the end, the most hunted person of the modern age.

Since 1998

  • Caring for people who are dying and helping the bereaved was something for which Diana had passion and commitment. When she stroked the limbs of someone with leprosy, or sat on the bed of a man with HIV/AIDS and held his hand, she transformed public attitudes and improved the life chances of such people. People felt if a British princess can go to a ward with HIV patients, then there's nothing to be superstitious about.
  • But a new world began, I think, in 1980, with the discovery that Diana, the future Princess of Wales, had legs. You will remember how the young Diana taught for a few hours a week at a kindergarten called Young England, and when it was first known that she was Charles's choice of bride, the press photographed her, infants touchingly gathered around; but they induced her to stand against the light, so in the resulting photograph the nation could see straight through her skirt. A sort of licentiousness took hold, a national lip-smacking. Those gangling limbs were artlessly exposed, without her permission. It was the first violation.
  • I always think of my mother in everything I do. I hope she would be proud of my work. My brother and I often ask ourselves: what would our mother have done in this situation? My mother was to me, like my brother, a role model. And also to many people worldwide. I believe people took to her so warmly because she possessed the ability to take away their embarrassment in whatever situation she met them in. She was immediately sympathetic. Exactly like her, I know that I enjoy a privileged position as a member of the royal family and I must use what was given to me to try to make a difference in important topics.
  • She was our guardian, friend and protector. She never once allowed her unfaltering love for us to go unspoken or undemonstrated. She will always be remembered for her amazing public work. But behind the media glare, to us, just two loving children, she was quite simply the best mother in the world. We would say that wouldn't we. But we miss her. She kissed us last thing at night. Her beaming smile greeted us from school. She laughed hysterically and uncontrollably when sharing something silly she might have said or done that day. She encouraged us when we were nervous or unsure. She - like our father - was determined to provide us with a stable and secure childhood.
  • I think she'd be happy in the way that we're going about it but slightly unhappy about the way the other people were going about it as in saying, 'Look: you're not normal, so stop trying to be normal,' which is very much what we get a lot.
  • Losing a close family member is one of the hardest experiences that anyone can ever endure. My mother Diana was present at your launch 15 years ago, and today I am incredibly proud to be able to continue her support for your fantastic charity, by becoming your royal patron. Never being able to say the word 'Mummy' again in your life sounds like a small thing. However, for many, including me, it's now really just a word – hollow and evoking only memories.
Wikipedia has an article about:
  • Diana: key quotes BBC, 5 March 2004 ("Tapes on which Diana, Princess of Wales, tells of her attempts to commit suicide amid her marriage breakdown")