Precious Gondwe

Botswana lawyer and businesswoman

Precious Gondwe is a motswana lady who is Highly Qualified - Multi-Award Wining Pan African Lawyer ,Admitted Conveyancer, Notary Public, Admitted to Practice as such in all Courts and Tribunals of the Republic of Botswana. she is a Candidate with the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA) of England for Admission as a Solicitor in the UK & Wales. A University of South Africa (UNISA) Bachelor of Laws ( LLB) Graduate. An LLM (Corporate Law) Candidate.


  • young Law practitioners should use their capabilities and start their own Law firms and create their own ideal jobs.
  • It is no secret that your appearance speaks for you before you even utter a word.
  • “No matter what, I will always pursue my dreams and fulfill passions as I strongly believe that you cannot thrive in mediocrity because no exceptional results ever came from there. However, you can decide to be exceptional and bring exceptional results.”
  • Equality for women sends a clear message that women too can lead. "Just give her the platform, nurture her and you will see results," .
  • Leaders could lead from the back, front and centre and not necessarily from the top. She said leadership required conviction that things must be done differently.
  • "Women must take up roles they sometimes fear to take up, they must run away from self-sabotage and must unite and stand together to support one another.
  • The times of pulling each other down are over and like the famous African proverb says. 'If you want to walk fast, walk alone, but it you want to go far, walk with others.
  • Even though the margin on female leadership are still low, there is need to recognise the importance of empowering other upcoming women and nurturing them to be the future leaders of tomorrow,"
  • (11 March 2021) by Naomi Leepile Retrieved 13 July 2022