Honey Kiss: I find myself wondering what the world must have been like before the bear crashed into our frail planet. Transforming all we once knew into a colorful kaleidoscope of delicious chaos and I love...it.

The world was more hospitable. No doubt more orderly more sensibly Sickening because it sounded boring, and I HATE being bored! I can't imagine a world without the bear, or the storms, yes the storms Beautiful waves of emerald blood cried out from the heavens promising death in lawless disarray Constantly upsetting the order. get butterflies in my tummy just thinking about it. Yes! YES! Speaking of which... What's this? A beautiful lady, she looks hungry Horatio shared his blueberries. *Horatio makes upset noises* No. You shared your berries Ah, how generous of you her name was pipistrelle, and though she looked more than capable she requested Horatio's Aid you see her castle was raided by grumpy warriors? relationship

Hondey Kiss: You all think you're so innocent, and ,pure and good. Fighting the good fight hooray for you, heroes. What did I ever do to you? (You stole a mans child) I never killed anyone. But you did oh, how I miss you Honey Hug. Love you, Honey Hug I Love you- *IT ALL MAKES SENSE NOW!* NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! You wanna know what happened? Here! I'll show you!
  • IT ALL MAKES SENSE NOW! Continued*
Speckled Horse: Oh, I Found you. You're must easier to find when nothing else exists I am the speckled horse. You freed me. I owe you a wish. It can be anything. Anything you like.

Honey Kiss: Well hooray for you, guys. ALL your dreams came true. What about MY dream?

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