Pier Gerlofs Donia

Frisian warrior, pirate, and rebel

Pier Gerlofs Donia (c. 148028 October 1520) was a Frisian warrior, pirate, freedom fighter and folk hero. He is most known by his Frisian nickname "Grutte Pier" (in the old Frisian spelling "Greate Pier"), or by his Dutch aliases of "Grote Pier" and "Lange Pier".

Butter, rye-bread, and young cheese: whoever cannot say that is not a true Frisian.


  • Bûter, brea en griene tsiis: wa't dat net sizze ken, is gjin oprjochte Frys.
    • Translation: Butter, bread, and green cheese: whoever cannot say that is not a true Frisian.
    • Quoted in: The Linguist: Journal of the Institute of Linguists. Volumes 42-43, The Institute, 2003. p. 192
    • According to legend, Pier forced his captives to repeat this shibboleth to distinguish Frisians from Dutch and Low Germans.

About Pier Gerlofs Donia

  • Pier Gerlofs Donia, a famous Dutch pirate, was renowned for his size and strength. He also commanded a fearsome crew. In 1515, they captured no fewer than 28 Dutch ships, and Pier became known as the Cross of the Dutchman.
    • Paul Harrison (2008) Pirates, p. 16
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