Peggy Moran

actress (1918-2002)

Peggy Moran (born Mary Jeanette Moran, 23 October 1918 – 24 October 2002) was an American film actress.

Peggy Moran in 1940



Interview with Monster Kid Magazine


** Interview About The Mummy's Hand

  • I loved King Kong with Fay Wray. That was one of my favorite pictures. I admired Fay. I thought Fay Wray was so beautiful. I remember later I went to a party and she was there and I sat at her feet and said, 'You were my favorite actress', and I told her how much I worshiped her.
  • That was the only picture I ever made that literally came back to haunt me. Because it was the one, when television became so popular, that they showed. And they're still showing it all over the world, you know that? I get recent letters from Holland, Germany, from all over where they must have just been running it because I always recognize that they come from the same city at the same time.
  • I think to be an artist it means a certain sensitivity, because I believe in evolution. I believe the more sensitive you are the more you draw from this One Mind; which is part of the whole, part of everything. I think we all have that ability to be tuned in, but I think great artists are just more tuned in. One who's expressing God to the fullest, that's an artist.
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