Pauli Hanhiniemi

Finnish musician, composer and lyricist

Pauli Hanhiniemi (born in Alavus in 1964) is a Finnish singer, songwriter (composer and lyricist) and musician. Starting his career in 1982, he formed the famous Finnish rock band Kolmas Nainen ("Third Woman"). After the break-up of the band in 1994, he formed Pauli Hanhiniemen Perunateatteri that performed until 2005 (Perunateatteri, "potato theatre", means carving potatoes in the army). He later joined Hehkumo, a band with more traditional sound. In 2009, the highly popular Kolmas Nainen returned with two new studio albums and great commercial success.

  • Lapset: The children are dexterous, true, but being unable to do calculations, they need help with matters relating to wages.
  • Suolammen vettä (Swamp pond's water): Child, if it's of any consolation, my shoes, too, have in their time become wet and my socks received a strange colour.
  • Hurja poika: The grave of the wild one is deep and black. You get chilly waiting for the resurrection.
  • Ikävä: If I'm off to see you with a bottle of red wine, shall I find some blue cheese at the petrol station, I wonder.
  • Äärelä (Minne muistot matkaa): I wish that in my mind I'll always be able to find my way back to these special moments of ours. A wedding waltz.
  • Suvisivakointia: Nordic walk takes quite a bit of spunk.
  • Siipeen jos sain: The one ill-used by the world knows that his disgrace will pass in the end.
  • Pari pitsaa: A man comes home with some frozen pizzas, but the promise of an amorous moment vanishes when the Formula 1 Race starts on TV.
  • Mersu-humppa: The losers shut up seeing me park my Mercedes in front of the bar.
    • From Hehkumo's album Muistoja tulevaisuudesta (Universal Music Oy 985921-1, 2006)
Pauli Hanhiniemi and Kolmas Nainen in a comeback concert in 2010
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