Odilo Globocnik
SS officer (1904-1945)
Odilo Globocnik (April 21, 1904 – May 31, 1945) was an Austrian war criminal. He was an official of the Nazi Party and later a high-ranking leader of the Schutzstaffel (SS). As an associate of Adolf Eichmann, he had a leading role in Operation Reinhard, which organized the murder of around one and a half million mostly Polish Jews during the Holocaust in the Majdanek, Treblinka, Sobibór and Bełżec extermination camps.

- Thank God that sow's gone to the butcher.
- About the death of Reinhard Heydrich. Quoted in "The Order of the Death's Head: The Story of Hitler's SS" - Page 166 - by Heinz Hohne - History - 2000.
- You will have very large quantities of clothes to disinfect, ten or twenty times as much as the "Textiles Collection," which is only being carried out in order to camouflage the origin of the Jewish, Polish, Czech, and other items of clothing. Your second job is to convert the gas- chambers, which have up to now been operated with exhaust gases from an old Diesel engine, to a more poisonous and quicker means, cyanide. But the Führer and Himmler, who were here on August 15, that is, the day before yesterday, gave orders that I am to accompany all persons who visit the installations.
- To Kurt Gerstein, 17 August 1942. Quoted in "Genocide, Critical Issues of the Holocaust" - Page 455 - by Alex Grobman, Daniel Landes, Sybil Milton - History - 1983.
- This is one of the most highly secret matters there are, perhaps the most secret. Anybody who speaks about it is shot dead immediately. Two talkative people died yesterday.
- To Kurt Gerstein, 17 August 1942. Quoted in "Genocide, Critical Issues of the Holocaust" - Page 455 - by Alex Grobman, Daniel Landes, Sybil Milton - History - 1983.
- Gentlemen, if ever a generation will come after us which is so weak and soft-hearted that it doesn't understand our task, then indeed the whole of National Socialism has been in vain. To the contrary, in my opinion one should bury bronze plates on which it is recorded that we have had the courage to carry out this great and so necessary work.
- To Kurt Gerstein, 17 August 1942. Quoted in "God, Greed, and Genocide: The Holocaust through the Centuries" - Page 101 - by Arthur Grenke - 2005.
- I know that you observe Christmas Day as you learned it at home. I do not observe it. However, as assistant director of this prison, I allow all the Catholics to observe freely and with some joy this day in this home.
- Quoted in "In Tito's Death Marches and Extermination Camps" - Page 163 - by Joseph Hecimovic, John Prcela - 1962.