Nope (film)

2022 film directed by Jordan Peele

Nope is a 2022 film about two ranch-owning siblings who attempt to capture video evidence of an unidentified flying object.

Directed and written by Jordan Peele.

OJ Haywood

  • What's a bad miracle? They got a word for that?
  • They took them. They took all of them.
  • They're going to come back. You ready? We got some work to do.
  • I don't think they'd take you if you don't look at it.

Emerald Haywood

  • Don't look, don't look, don't look.
  • I ain't never seen nothing like this.
  • Nobody fucks with Haywood, bitch!

Ricky 'Jupe' Park

  • What if I told you that today you'll leave here different? I'm talking to you. Right here, you are going to witness an absolute spectacle. So what happens next? You ready? ARE YOU READY?

Antlers Holst

  • This dream you're chasing, where you end up at the top of the mountain, all eyes on you... it's the dream you never wake up from.


Emerald: Did you know that the very first assembly of photographs to create a motion picture was a two second clip of a black man on a horse? And that man is my great-great-grandfather.
OJ: Great.
Emerald: There's another great, grandfather. But that's why back at the Hollywood Ranch, as the only black owned horse trainers in Hollywood, we like to say, since the moments pictures can move we had skin in the game.

Emerald: Bro, what did you see?
OJ: Something above the clouds, that's big.
Emerald: How big?
OJ: Big.


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