Nirmal Chandra Chatterjee

Indian politician

Nirmal Chandra Chatterjee (1895 - 1971) was the president of the Bengal Hindu Mahasabha and the vice-president of the All-India Hindu Mahasabha.


  • Our passionate adherence to democracy and freedom is based on the spiritual recognition of the Divinity of man. We are not only not communal but we are nationalists and democrats. The Anti-Fascist Front must extend from the English Channel to the Bay of Bengal.
    • Hindu Politics (Calcutta, 1945), p.13
  • In the conflict of ideologies the Hindus have made their position perfectly clear. We hate Nazism and Fascism. We are the enemies of Hitler and Mussolini. We are longing and struggling for our own emancipation and we want to repel any dictator who would try to reduce sections of humanity to slavery to serve the whims of his own megalomania.
    • Hindu Politics, p. 26
  • We are wholeheartedly anti-Fascist. Every anti-Imperialist must be anti-Fascist.
    • Hindu Politics, p. 68
  • Our main plank is Veer Savarkar’s message which he preached at the Calcutta session: ‘Equal rights for all citizens and protection of the culture and religion of every minority’.
    • Hindu Politics, p. 74
  • [He too had taken the habit of loosely labelling hostile forces as “fascist”, e.g. in his opposition to a 1939 Muslim League proposal to communalize the municipal elections in Calcutta:] “We must resist these reactionary measures which are founded on the principle of communal Fascism.”
    • (Hindu Politics, p.21). Quoted from Elst, K. : Was Veer Savarkar a Nazi? , 1999 [1]
  • “Political Misfits are as dangerous as Quislings.”
    • About Norwegian Nazi collaborator Quisling: (Hindu Politics, p.25) Quoted from Elst, K. : Was Veer Savarkar a Nazi? , 1999 [2]
  • We shall suspend judgment unless we know what exactly he has to offer and we only wish that artificial minority problems will not be exploited to dilute democracy and to injure Hindu interests.
    • When the Cripps mission was announced. Hindu Politics. Quoted from Elst, K. : Was Veer Savarkar a Nazi? , 1999 [3]
  • The Hindus in this supreme crisis of humanity never wanted to shirk the responsibility to fight the Axis powers. Our leaders took a realistic view of the political situation. Veer Savarkar’s clarion call to the Hindus had met with a ready response and the Hindu boys had rushed forward and joined up in thousands. On every front our boys have demonstrated their valour and discipline, and the African Campaign, if faithfully recorded, will put the Indian in the forefront of the noble heroes who decimated the Fascist [hordes].”
    • (Hindu Politics, p.55-56) Quoted from Elst, K. : Was Veer Savarkar a Nazi? , 1999 [4]
  • “It is the subtle scheme of political propaganda to describe the Hindu as pro-Fascist. It is a cruel calumny which has been spread in America and other countries. The Hindu Mahasabha stood for Savarkar’s policy of militarization and industrialization. We recognized that Fascism was a supreme menace to what is good and noble in our civilization. Due to Veer Savarkar’s call thousands of young men joined the Army and Navy and Air Force and shed their blood for resisting Nazi tyranny and for real friendship with China and Russia. But as the Hindus had the temerity to ask for National Independence and took the lead in rejecting the Cripps offer, they were maligned and the subtle forces of organized British propaganda were let loose to blackmail the Hindus.”
    • (Hindu Politics, p.103) . Quoted from Elst, K. : Was Veer Savarkar a Nazi? , 1999 [5]
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