Nicholas Udall

English playwright

Nicholas Udall, Uvedale or Yevedale (c. 25 December 1504 – c. 22 December 1556) was an English dramatist, educator and humanist scholar. His best-known play, Ralph Roister Doister, is usually considered the first English-language comedy.


  • That same manne, that renneth awaye,
    Maye again fight, an other daye.
    • Apophthegmes (London, 1542) vol. 2, fol. 335v.

Ralph Roister Doister (c. 1553)

  • For Myrth prolongeth lyfe, and causeth health.
    • Prologue.
  • I am sorie God made me so comely.
    • Ralph Roister Doister, Act I, sc. ii.
  • Wowers never speede well, that have a false harte.
    • Mathew Merygreeke, Act I, sc. ii.
  • Since I went no grasse hath growne on my hele.
    • Tom Trupenie, Act IV, sc. v.
  • Gay love, God save it, so soone hotte, so soone colde.
    • Christian Custance, Act IV, sc. viii.
  • Yea, Custance, better (they say) a bad excuse than none.
    • Gawin Goodluck, Act V, sc. ii.
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