Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind

1984 film directed by Hayao Miyazaki

Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind (風の谷のナウシカ Kaze no tani no Naushika) is a feature-length anime film created in Japan by animation studio Topcraft and initially released in 1984. The film was directed by Hayao Miyazaki, based on his manga of the same name.


  • "A thousand years have passed since the collapse of industrialized civilization. A toxic jungle now spreads, threatening the survival of the last of the human race."


  • Yet another village is dead.
  • [when Nausicaä takes off on her glider with ease] She certainly knows how to read the wind.
  • The only goal I seek, Obaba, is to understand the mysteries of the toxic jungle.


  • "Ohmu, go back to your jungle. This is not your world."


  • "Why is it that everything that's good for you tastes so bad?"

"Run Nausicaä, go and let everyone in the Valley of the Wind know what's coming!"


  • (subtitle:) "The air is full of rage." (dub:) "The atmosphere is saturated with anger."


Nausicaä: Lord Yupa!
Yupa: [taking Nausicaä in his arms and laughing] Nausicaä! I didn't recognize you.
Nausicaä: It's been over a year now. It's great to see you.
Yupa: Thank you for helping me with that ohm. You've certainly mastered that glider of yours.
Nausicaä: You think so? Father says I have a long way to-- [notices something squirming in Yupa's pouch]
Yupa: Oh, yes. I forgot all about this little fellow. [opens the pouch] He's the reason I got in trouble with the ohm. [a small canine-like creature emerges, looking about with a fearful look.]
Nausicaä: [fascinated] Wow! Is that a fox-squirrel? I haven't seen one.
Yupa: I hadn't either. I saw an insect carrying him off and I mistook him for a human baby. I had no choice but to use my gun.
Nausicaä: [taking off a glove and holding out her hand to the fox-squirrel] Oh! So that's why the ohm was so angry with you.
Yupa: He's quite spirited. Apparently, he didn't inhale too much of the jungle's poison. Better not touch him; even the babies are vicious.
Nausicaä: [to the fox-squirrel, gently] Come on. It's okay. [The fox-squirrel jumps on her arm and runs up her shoulders.]
Yupa: Careful.
Nausicaä: [to the fox-squirrel] There's nothing to fear. [holds out a finger] Nothing to fear. [The fox-squirrel bites her finger. Nausicaä flinches ever so slightly and Lord Yupa looks on with concern. Nausicaä simply smiles at Lord Yupa.] See? Nothing to fear. [The fox-squirrel doesn't let go and growls. Nausicaä looks at him.] Right? [After a moment, the fox-squirrel calms down and licks at where he was biting.] You were just a little scared, weren't you? [She laughs and starts to spin around, and the fox-squirrel runs up and down her arms playfully.] He's perfect. Will you let me keep him, Lord Yupa?
Yupa: Of course, certainly.
Nausicaä: [laughs and cuddles with the fox-squirrel] Thank you! [runs to Yupa's horseclaws] Kai! Kui! Do you remember me?
Yupa: [to himself] What a mysterious power she has.
Nausicaä: You must be tired after running from that ohm. [one of the horseclaws licks her cheek as she laughs]
Yupa: So, how's your family, Nausicaä? [Nausicaä hesitates with a sad look.] What's wrong?
Nausicaä: It's... Father can't fly anymore.
Yupa: [surprised] King Jihl? So the jungle's poisons are taking their toll...
Nasuicaä: Yes. Father says it's the fate of all of us who live near the jungle.
Yupa: [places a hand on Nausicaä's shoulder] I'm sorry. I should have come sooner.
Nausicaä: No, I'm just glad you could come at all.

Obaba: "After a thousand years of darkness, he will come, clad in blue and surrounded by fields of gold to restore mankind's connection of the Earth that was destroyed."
Nausicaä: "And he will guide the people of this planet at last to a land of purity."

Mito: "It's good to hope for a daughter who's strong like the princess, but not for one who likes to play in the toxic jungle."
Nausicaä: "But Mito, that's where I found that ohm shell."
Mito: "All I do is worry when she's running around out there. I'd trade a thousand ohm shells for a good night's sleep."

Nausicaä: "What are you so afraid of? You act like a scared little fox-squirrel."
Kushana: "What did you call me?"
Nausicaä: "Don't be afraid, there is nothing to fear. I just want you to go back to your own country."

Jihl: "Nausicaä? Nausicaa! Come here! Come here, child."
Young Nausicaä: "Father! Mother's here too? Wait! Don't go this way! Stay away! Ah! Get back. There's nothing here. Stay away from me. Please go. Get back inside."
Man: "She's got a baby Ohmu."
Jihl: "The insects have bewitched her. Hand it over, child."
Young Nausicaä: "No! It hasn't done anything wrong."
Jihl: "Insects and humans cannot live in the same world. You know that."
King Jihl: "You knew that."
Young Nausicaä: "Don't kill it! Please, don't kill it! Please!"

Yupa: "In the midst of my travels, I heard of an ominous rumor... It said that a monster from the ancient world had been excavated from beneath the city of Pejite where it had been sleeping."
Mito: "A monster from the ancient world?"
Yupa: "It's a God Warrior."
Mito: "A God Warrior? You mean, the ones that burned the world in the Seven Days of Fire...? This thing ...!"
Yupa: "All God Warriors should have become fossils. But this one managed to sleep underground for 1000 years."
Mito: "Now that you mention it, it does seem to have a human form."

Yupa: "Nausicaa! What are you doing here? This chamber is filled with toxic plants."
Nausicaä: "I collected the spores and grew them down here myself. Don't worry the plants aren't poisonous."
Yupa: "Not poisonous? Its true, the air is pure in here. But I know these plants from the jungle. These are some of the most lethal."
Nausicaä: "I irrigated this chamber using water drawn from deep underground by the castle windmill. I used soil drawn from there as well. I found that with clean water and soil, the plants from the toxic jungle aren't poisonous. All the poison is in the soil. Even the topsoil in our valley is polluted. But...I don't understand. Who could have polluted the entire earth?"

Voice cast (English dub only)
