Muneera Swar

Bahraini novelist

Muneera Swar (Arabic: منيرة سوار}}; born 1975) is a Bahraini novelist and translator. Her book Jariya was a winner of the Katara Prize for Arabic Novel in 2015.


  • Because woman is the essence, the first voice of life, and the mother of this earth. Because she is the flower of every home. Because woman is a magnificent being. Women deserve for us to write about them, to write in their voice, and to express their inner selves because they carry in their hearts the secret of the universe and the letters of love in its purest form. No matter how many lines we write, how much we delve into the letters of language, or how many stories and narratives we tell, we will always remain standing at the threshold of woman, waiting for her to tell us her rich human experience throughout the ages and epochs.
    • Original: لأن المرأة هي الأصل، وصوت الحياه الاول، وأم هذه الارض. لأنها زهره كُل بيت. لأن المرأة كائن عظيم. تستحق المرأة أن نكتب عنها ونكتب بلسانها ونعبّرعن مكنونها لأنها تحمل في قلبها سر الكون وحروف أبجديّة الحُب بفطرته الأولي. مهما سطرنا من سطور، ومهما نبشنا في حروف اللغه، ومهما حكينا من حكايات وروايات، سنبقي دائماً واقفين عند عتبه المرأة الأولى ننتظر منها أن تروي لنا تجربتها الإنسانيه الثرية علي مر الأزمان والعصور.
    • An interview with Akhbarak in 2015.
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