Mulholland Drive (film)

2001 film by David Lynch

Mulholland Drive is a 2001 film about a fledgling actress from Deep River, Ontario, and a girl with amnesia resulting from a freak car accident and their journey together.

It'll be just like in the movies. Pretending to be somebody else.
A man's attitude … a man's attitude goes some ways, the way his life will be.
There's a man … in back of this place. He's the one who's doing it. I can see him through the wall. I can see his face. … I hope that I never see that face, ever, outside of a dream. … That's it.
This is the girl.
Silencio …
Written and directed by David Lynch
A Love Story In The City Of Dreams

Betty Elms

  • It'll be just like in the movies. Pretending to be somebody else.
  • She's letting me stay here while she's working on a movie that's being made in Canada. But I guess you already know that. Well, I couldn't afford a place like this in a million years... unless, of course, I'm discovered and become a movie star. Of course, I'd rather be known as a great actress than a movie star. But, you know, sometimes people end up being both. So that is, I guess you'd say, sort of why I came here. [pause] I'm sorry. I'm just so excited to be here. I mean I just came here from Deep River, Ontario, and now I'm in this dream place. Well, you can imagine how I feel.

Diane Selwyn

  • You want me to make this easy for you? No fucking way! It's not gonna be. It's not easy for me!


  • What are you doing? We don't stop here.
  • Silencio. No hay banda.

Adam Kesher

  • I got the pool, she got the pool-man.
  • What picture? What are you talking about?
  • This is the girl.

The Cowboy

  • I want you to go back to work tomorrow. You were recasting the lead actress anyway. Audition many girls for the part. When you see the girl that was shown to you earlier today, you will say, "this is the girl." The rest of the cast can stay, that's up to you. But that lead girl is not up to you. Now, you will see me one more time if you do good. You will see me two more times if you do bad. Good night.
  • Hey, pretty girl, time to wake up.

Coco Lenoix

  • Honey, you're a good kid, but what you're telling me is a load of horse puckey. Even though it comes from a good place.
  • Wilkins! Wilkins! If that damn dog craps in the courtyard one more time, I'm just gonna bake his little butt for breakfast!
  • You know, there was a man that lived here once that had a prize-fighting kangaroo. Well, you just wouldn't believe what that kangaroo did to this courtyard!


  • Bondar: [at Club Silencio] No hay banda! There is no band. Il n'est pas de orquestra! This is all a tape-recording. No hay banda! And yet, we hear a band. If we want to hear a clarinette, listen. … It's all a tape. It is an illusion.
  • Blue-Haired Lady: Silencio …


Dan: I just wanted to come here.
Herb: To Winkie's?
Dan: This Winkie's.
Herb: Okay, why this Winkie's?
Dan: It's kind of embarrassing.
Herb: Go ahead.
Dan: I had a dream about this place.
Herb: [slightly incredulous] Oh, boy.
Dan: See what I mean?
Herb: Okay, so you had a dream about this place. Tell me.
Dan: Well, it's the second one I've had, but they're both the same. They start out that I'm in here, but it's not day or night. It's kind of half-night, you know? But it looks just like this, except for the light. And I'm scared like I can't tell you. Of all people, you're standing right over there, by that counter. You're in both dreams and you're scared. I get even more frightened when I see how afraid you are, and then I realize what it is. There's a man … in back of this place. He's the one who's doing it. I can see him through the wall. I can see his face. … I hope that I never see that face, ever, outside of a dream. … That's it.
Herb: So, you came to see if he's out there.
Dan: To get rid of this god-awful feeling.
Herb: Right, then.

Cynthia: Do you know somebody called "the Cowboy"?
Adam Kesher: The Cowboy?
Cynthia: Yeah, the Cowboy. This guy, the Cowboy, wants to see you. Jason said he thought it'd be a good idea.
Adam Kesher: Oh, Jason thought it'd be a good idea for me to see the Cowboy. Well, should I wear my ten-gallon hat and my six-shooters?

Cowboy: Howdy.
Adam Kesher: Howdy to you.
Cowboy: Beautiful evening.
Adam Kesher: Yeah.
Cowboy: Sure wanna thank you for coming all the way up here to see me from that nice little hotel downtown.
Adam Kesher: No problem. What's on your mind?
Cowboy: Well, now. Here's a man who wants to get right down to it. Kind of anxious to get to it, are you?

Cowboy: A man's attitude … a man's attitude goes some ways, the way his life will be. Is that something you might agree with?
Adam Kesher: Sure.
Cowboy: Now, did you answer because that's what you thought I wanted to hear, or did you think about what I said and answer 'cause you truly believe that to be right?
Adam Kesher: I agree with what you said, truly.
Cowboy: What'd I say?
Adam Kesher: … That a man's attitude determines to a large extent how his life will be.
Cowboy: So since you agree, you must be a person who does not care about the good life.
Adam Kesher: How's that?
Cowboy: Well, stop for a little second and think about it. Can you do that for me?
Adam Kesher: [laughs] Okay, I'm thinking.
Cowboy: [beat] No, you're not thinking. You're too busy being a smart-aleck to be thinking. Now, I want you to think and stop being a smart-aleck. Can you try that for me?

Cowboy: There's sometimes a buggy. How many drivers does a buggy have?
Adam Kesher: One.
Cowboy: So, let's just say I'm driving this buggy. And, if you fix your attitude, you can ride along with me.

Betty: [after kissing Rita] Have you ever done this before?
Rita: I don't know. Have you?
Betty: I want to with you.

Luigi Castigliane: This is the girl!
Adam Kesher: Hey, that girl is not in my film!
Vincenzo Castiliane: It's no longer your film.

Betty: What are you doing? We don't stop here.
Driver: A surprise.

[Diane is about to give the hitman his money]
Hitman: Now, once you hand that over to me, it's a done deal. Are you sure you want this?
Diane: More than anything in this world.


  • A Love Story In The City Of Dreams
  • Beware what you dream for...
  • An actress longing to be a star. A woman searching for herself. Both worlds will collide...on Muholland Drive.
  • A woman in search of stardom. A woman in search of herself - in the city of dreams. A key to a mystery - lies somewhere on Mulholland Drive.


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