Moses Isegawa also known as Sey Wava (born 10 August 1963), is a Ugandan author. He has written novels set against the political turmoil of Uganda, which he left in 1990 for the Netherlands.


  • Each jubilating hand had the potential to vivisect, each hailing mouth had the power to condemn someone to death.
  • The skyline, gawking with architectural indigence, towered over the bowl like a row of stained, gap-toothed jawbones.
  • Life was a journey of discovery, and character was a variable that kept veering left and right in search of the perfect way for a particular day.
  • The lukewarm fingers of nostalgia stroked the hearts of the old, garnishing the smells and the sounds and the fires with old truths turned to dull uncertainties in today’s environment.
  • Every migrant soul was now a compact little ghost captured in words, invoked from the lacuna by the oracle of Grandma and Grandpa and made to inject doses of old life into our present truncated existence.
  • All these white people believed they were scoring a point with the monkey thing, but they were not: they were just scratching their own assholes.
  • Uganda was in a state of siege, writhing like a dying moth on the floor. The bugles of defeat were poised, waiting to blow the walls down. The inside of the country was like a grenade whose pin had already been drawn.
    • p. 305
  • The razor crackled and filled with stubble as I dragged it across valleys and ridges. Birds chirped fussily in the tallest gray-skinned mtuba trees. They jumped up and down on one branch.
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