Mohan Bhagwat

Indian activist & RSS Chief

Mohan Bhagawat (born 11 September 1950) is a Hindu right-wing leader from India. He was appointed the chief of the nationalist organisation Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) in March 2009.

Mohan Bhagwat in 2009




  • Crimes against women happening in urban India are shameful. It is a dangerous trend. But such crimes won't happen in "Bharat" or the rural areas of the country. You go to villages and forests of the country and there will be no such incidents of gang-rape or sex crimes.


  • Anyone who dares that nation gets a befitting reply. People across the world learn from Israel the art of doing agricultural and vegetable farming. On the contrary, India has 5,000 km land, population in crores, powerful leaders but Israel has marched way ahead of us.
  • Mother Teresa’s service would have been good. But it used to have one objective, to convert the person, who was being served, into a Christian. The question is not about conversion but if this is done in the name of service, then that service gets devalued.
  • You go to villages and forests of the country and there will be no such incidents of gang rape or sex crimes. They are prevalent in only some urban belts. Besides new legislations, Indian ethos and attitude towards women should be revisited in the context of ancient Indian values.
    • "Rape Happens in India, not Bharat", India Today (28 January 2013).


  • People with such proclivities have always been there; for as long as humans have existed... This is biological, a mode of life. We want them to have their own private space and to feel that they, too, are a part of the society. This is such a simple issue. We will have to promote this view because all other ways of resolving it will be futile.
  • We kept our own fellow human beings behind in the social system. We did not care for them, and it continued for 2000 years. Until we provide them equality, some special remedies have to be there, and reservations is one of them. Hence, reservations have to continue till there is such discrimination. We at the RSS give all support to the reservations provided in the Constitution.
  • The leftist people in Western countries took a stand against auspicious things and started destruction. Society is suffering from their stand in the name of deliberation. Human behaviour is inclining towards beastly tendencies and this crisis is now hovering over India as well.

Quotes about Mohan Bhagwat

  • If you don’t know their voices and you listen to a tape-recorded speech by Hedgewar and one from his current successor Mohan Bhagwat nine decades later, you wouldn’t know who is who: the thoughts they express are interchangeable. That does not reflect on Hedgewar, who was a child of his time and contributed the best he could to the Hindu cause. But it reflects quite negatively on the course the Sangh Parivar has taken since then.
    • Elst, Koenraad. Hindu dharma and the culture wars. (2019). New Delhi : Rupa.
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