Moïse Tshombe

Congolese politician and secessionist leader (1919–1969)

Moïse Tshombe (10 November 1919 – 29 June 1969) was a Congolese businessman and politician. He served as the president of the secessionist State of Katanga from 1960 to 1963 and as prime minister of the Republic of the Congo from 1964 to 1965.

Moïse Tshombe in 1963
Prime Minister Tshombe touring Stanleyville in 1964


  • I never liked luxury, but I grew up in an environment of businessmen, in an environment where I had to sell goods, so I had to emit the quality of those goods.
Histories: De Historie van Tshombe, Deel 1, 1997 (2 Part Biographical Documentary about Moïse Tshombe).
  • The future structure of Congo must be federal for us.
Histories: De Historie van Tshombe, Deel 1, 1997 (2 Part Biographical Documentary about Moïse Tshombe). Excerpt from Interview to the Belgian press at the Belgo-Congolese round tabel conference from 1960 in Brussels Where Moïse Tshombe was the spokseman of CONAKAT, Union of tribes of the Katanga Region in then Belgian Congo.
  • Since we have no confidence in the government that has just been formed in Leopoldville and is led by Mister Lumumba, we have decided to declare Katanga Independent.
Histories: De Historie van Tshombe, Deel 1, 1997 (2 Part Biographical Documentary about Moïse Tshombe). Excerpt from Interview to the International press in Elizabethville (Today Lubumbashi) in july 1960.
  • I doubt that there are no Communists in the US State Department, I wonder, I don't understand that the Americans go along with the Russians and then say they voted reluctantly, so to speak.
Histories: De Historie van Tshombe, Deel 1, 1997 (2 Part Biographical Documentary about Moïse Tshombe). Moïse Tshombe in a reaction to the visit of the then prime minister of the Republic of the Congo Cyrille Adoula to United States President John F Kennedy in Washington D.C on 5 February 1962.
  • I must return to Katanga because it is my responsibility to help the Katangese peoples.
Histories: De Historie van Tshombe, Deel 2, Het Eindspel 1997 (2 Part Biographical Documentary about Moïse Tshombe). Moïse Tshombe in an interview to Belgian Journalist Pierre Davister in 1963 from Exile in Spain.
  • I've been living outside of the Congo for a year now. And I have often made it known that I wanted to return to Congo when the time was right. I remain convinced that there is general reconciliation possible between all Congolese and that this is the only absolute condition to get this country out of the misery and anarchy.
Histories: De Historie van Tshombe, Deel 2, Het Eindspel 1997 (2 Part Biographical Documentary about Moïse Tshombe).Excerpt from a Speech of Moïse Tshombe on the day of his return to Congo on July 1964 in Leopoldville (Today Kishasa).
  • There's no need for an attack i just need to get hold of Stanleyville again. You'll see I'll be back in Control of Satnleyville in a few days.
Histories: De Historie van Tshombe, Deel 2, Het Eindspel 1997 (2 Part Biographical Documentary about Moïse Tshombe). Prime Minister Tshombe in a reaction to the capture of Stanleyville (Today Kisangani) by USSR supported simba rebels in August 1964.
  • It was a measure that brought salvation, if General Mobutu had not done so, I and some members of my party would no longer be alive.
Histories: De Historie van Tshombe, Deel 2, Het Eindspel 1997 (2 Part Biographical Documentary about Moïse Tshombe). Prime Minister Tshombe in a reaction to the military coup of Joseph-Désiré Mobutu on November 24, 1965.
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