Mike Milbury

American ice hockey player

Michael James Milbury (born June 17, 1952) is an American sportscaster currently working as an ice hockey analyst for the New England Sports Network (NESN), Hockey Night in Candad and the NHL on ABC. He played twelve seasons in the National Hockey League (NHL), all of them as a defenseman for the Boston Bruins.



On himself

  • "It’s unbelievable that after more than 30 years in the game, pummeling a guy with his loafer will be my legacy. But I guess it's better than having no legacy at all."
    • Fitzpatrick, Jamie. [proicehockey.about.com/od/musicfilmcardstrivia/a/04_hockey_quote_2.htm 2004 Hockey Quotes of the Year]. About.com. Retrieved on 2006-12-20.

On Joining the New York Islanders

  • "Screw the Rangers. Screw the Devils."
    • The Mix. New York Magazine. Retrieved on 2010-02-24. 

On the 2010 Olympic Russian Team


On the 2010 Olympic German Team
