Marco Guazzo

Italian historian

Marco Guazzo (1480 – 1556) was an Italian historian.



Errori d’Amore

  • È poco male
    Quel fallo poi che al fin in ben riesse.
    • Act V (Filarco).
    • Translation: But little harm
      That error does that turns to good at last.
    • Translation reported in Harbottle's Dictionary of quotations French and Italian (1904), p. 295.
  • (Et) io daltro non tengo fantasia
    Che uscir de servitù, de povertate;
    Niuna altra cosa credo al mondo ria.
    • Act II (Filoro).
    • Translation: And I no other fancy have but this,
      To ’scape from servitude and poverty;
      Naught else in all the world is bad, I wis.
    • Translation reported in Harbottle's Dictionary of quotations French and Italian (1904), p. 327.
  • Niun giammai fuggir debbe il consiglio.
    • Act I (Filarco).
    • Translation: None ever has the right to flee advice.
    • Translation reported in Harbottle's Dictionary of quotations French and Italian (1904), p. 370.