Marcabru (fl. 1130–1150) is one of the earliest troubadours whose poems are known. Forty-four poems are attributed to him.


  • A la fontana del vergier,
    On l' erb er vertz, josta 'l gravier,
    A l' ombra d' un fust domesgier,
    En aiziment de blancas flors
    E de novelh chan costumier,
    Trobey sola, ses companhier,
    Selha que no vol mon solatz.
    •   By yonder fountain in the grove,
        Where the green grass e'en from above
        Down to the water's pebbly bed
        Its verdant covering hath outspread,
        There, 'neath a tree, 'mid white flowers springing,
        Lovely and sad, a new song singing,
      Sat the disdainful fair whose scorn my heart is wringing.
    • Chanson, st. 1, as translated by Edgar Taylor, Lays of the Minnesingers and Troubadours (1825), p. 251
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