Manuela Arcuri

Italian actress and model

Manuela Arcuri (born 8 January 1977) is an Italian actress and model.

Arcuri in 1994


  • La prima volta che vado a letto con un uomo succede quasi sempre che non si fa niente. Si preoccupano, si agitano, credono di dover fare i fenomeni. Pensano "Oddio, lo sto facendo con l'Arcuri", e non si conclude. Ormai lo so, sono rassegnata. Per questo concedo sempre una seconda chance.
    • The first time I go to bed with a man, most of the time nothing happens. They worry, they get agitated, they think they have to excel. They think, "Oh my God, I'm doing it with Arcuri", and then it's a total flop. Now that I know, I've resigned myself to the fact. This is why I always grant them a second chance.
    • Interview with Italian Vanity Fair, quoted in "L'Arcuri confessa: con me i maschi fanno flop", (16 January 2008).
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