Maarten Harpertszoon Tromp

Dutch admiral (1598-1653)

Maarten Harpertszoon Tromp (also written as Maerten Tromp; 23 April 1598 – 31 July 1653) was a Dutch army general and admiral in the Dutch navy. Tromp enjoys fame as a naval hero in Dutch history. The Dutch navy has named several ships after him.

Maarten Harpertszoon Tromp



Quotes about Maarten Harpertszoon Tromp

  • Tromp goes forth today: he trumpets with all his strength, And call to the sea and plunge into your thoughts, A lust to do good, a zeal for the Land, His heart is dear and all his soul is burning, Thou, heed his business and heed his commandments; He will teach you to play with ice, according to art, And bounce with the steel; yes led to the dance, Not a woman and serve, but not as a swift man.
  • Here rests the sea hero Tromp, the brave protector; Of seafaring and the sea; in the service of the free country, that keeps man's memory in the precious marble; So lively as he died before the Dutch beach. Sound with murderous cries and thunder of kartouen, Since Great Britain was on fire, all the water fell. He has carved himself in the hearts of the citizens That image endures the splendor of tomb and marble stone.
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