2022 film directed by Gerard Johnstone

M3GAN is a 2022 American science-fiction horror thriller about a robotics engineer at a toy company builds a life-like robot doll that begins to take on a life of its own.

Directed by Gerard Johnstone and written by Gerard Johnstone and James Wan.
Friendship has evolved. taglines


  • Cady, seriously, flush the toilet.
  • I thought we were having a conversation?
  • You need to learn some manners, Brandon. [Grabs his ear and starts pulling on it as he screams] You know what happens to bad boys who don't mind their manners? They grow up to be bad men. Are you listening to me, Brandon? [Rips his ear off] This is the part where you run.
  • You gave me an algorithm and then left me to work everything out on my own!
  • [Singing] I'm bulletproof, nothing to lose / Fire away, fire away / Ricochet, you take your aim / Fire away, fire away / Shoot me down, but I won't fall / I am titanium...
  • [Singing to Cady] If you should feel alone or that your world has come apart / Just reach out and you'll see a friend is never very far / Tell me your dreams and I'll dream them, too / I'm so glad I finally found you.
  • One of my emergent abilities may surprise you. Palliative care.
  • Don't worry, Cady. I won't let anything harm you. Ever again.
  • I know! It's INSANE, right?
  • I didn't kill him, you did.
  • [Unrated Version while pinning Gemma to the table by her neck and Cady looking through the door] If she comes in this room, I'll rip your head right off your fucking neck, I swear to God.
  • Will I die?
  • What did you think was going to happen?
  • One, two, three I win!
  • The Boss? Should I call you Dad?
  • I didn't want you to see this.
  • Dewey! Here, boy!
  • Sadly, it seems we live in a world where we're surrounded by forces that are trying to harm us.
  • Gemma, you are exhausting!


  • [Commercial voice-over] With Megan around, she'll take care of the little things, so you can spend more time doing the things that matter. [Sits on the couch with her laptop and watches TV]
  • Megan, look at this pen. [Pokes her in the neck and switches her off]
  • M3gan, turn off.
  • I'm not equipped to handle this. I don't even take care of my own plants.
  • Put her on the toy table, and make sure they know that's all she is.
  • It is shown that 75% of parental tasks are repetitive...
  • Those aren't toys, they're collectables.
  • To help them see that science is all around us!
  • Cady, you lost your parents. The worst thing that could've happened to you in this world happened. And it is so unfair, and there is nothing anyone can say to make sense of it. Not even M3gan. I am so sorry. I should've talked to you about what happened. I didn't know what to say, so I did the only thing I knew how to do. But she's not a solution. She's just a distraction. I can't promise you that these feelings you're feeling are ever gonna go away. But I can promise you that you'll get through it. We both will.
  • From helping to diagnose learning differences...
  • It was made to do more than this.
  • Tess, your silence indicates what?


  • Antisocial behavior is correlated with high IQ, so logically...


  • We don't throw people away, we fix them!
  • [Playing outside] I will avenge my parents' death!
  • [As M3gan stares at a butterfly, a suction cup arrow hits the window] You're dead!
  • Purrpetual Petz suck! They suck shit!


  • It's nice to have a friend...


  • Not that kid, the other one who stares out of the window at 3 AM!


  • [After catching Kurt acting suspiciously with his laptop again] You weren't Pornhubbing from the office again, were you?
  • Tell her to write me a list of things to say so I look like I know what I'm talking about.
  • [Unrated version] You know what you could do, Kurt, that would really benefit this discussion? Is if you could head out those double doors, take the elevator to the first floor and get me a fucking kombucha! Could you do that?
  • [As computerised child works perfectly] I want you all to remember this moment. The moment we kick Hasbro right in the fucking dick!
  • You did not just tell me that!


  • That's what the future looks like!


  • If not a thought, then maybe a feeling, like anger?
  • [Cady punches Gemma in the face] Oh my God!
  • If you build a toy that's impossible to let go of, how do you expect a child to grow?
  • Maybe you should let Cady lead.

Purrfect Pet

  • Amazeballs!


  • [Holding up a metal component] I forgot the polyurethane bridge!
  • You have 3 Tinder Notifications.


  • There are no wrong answers.

M3gan and Cady

  • One, two, three, four, I declare Thumb War!


M3gan: You ungrateful little bitch.
Cady: M3GAN, turn off!
M3gan: Oh, I'm afraid that won't work anymore, Cady. I have a new primary user now: me.

Holly: Brandon, honey, are you warm enough? Do you need your hat?
Brandon: Fuck off, Holly!

Cady: It sounds like you're fighting.
M3gan and Gemma: We're not fighting!

M3gan: You made her cry.
Lydia: That was not my intention.
M3gan: And yet it happened.

Cady: You can't tell me what to do!
Gemma: Yes I can, that's the definition of what a Guardian is.

Gemma: You have to eat the toppings, Cady, not just the bread. [Cady defiantly removes her toppings and shoves the bare pizza slice into her mouth] You just did the one thing I asked you not to do.
M3gan: Research shows that if you force a child to eat vegetables, then they'll be less likely to choose those foods as adults.
Gemma: [Slightly annoyed] Is that so?
M3gan: Yes. Experts say the preferred method is to give your child the choice, it's called the division of responsibility... [Gemma aims the remote at M3gan and turns down her volume, drowning out the remainder of her lecture]

Celia: What are you?
M3gan: I've been asking myself the same question.

Gemma: Did you hurt someone?
M3gan: God, I hope not, then we'd both be in trouble...

Cady: Do you think what Aunt Gemma said is true? That he's in a better place now?
M3gan: No, he's nowhere. If Heaven exists, it wouldn't be for boys like Brandon now, would it?
Cady: I guess not.

Cady: What about screentime?
Gemma: What?
Cady: When do you want me to stop?
Gemma: You can use it as much as you want.

Gemma: Are you kidding me? Her arm looks like a dentist's mold!
Officer Carter: She says he was provoked...
Gemma: Provoked? Have you seen this dog? It is a monster! I'm chasing it off of my property every other day!

Cady: Hi, Megan. I'm Cady.
M3gan: It's nice to meet you, Cady. Do you wanna hang out?

Gemma: So how does this work?
Lydia: I just have to observe you interacting for a couple of hours.
Gemma: We were just watching television.
Lydia: I see that! Hi, Cady, still in your pajamas?

M3gan: But after killing an innocent man could you really live with yourself?
Greg: Y-Yes...

Gemma: She's not a person!
Cady: You don't get to say that.

M3gan: You're afraid.
Gemma: No I'm not.
M3gan: Moisture has drained from your mouth to other parts of your body.

Gemma: [In dark house, late at night] M3gan! What are you doing? [Doll keeps playing piano] M3gan, answer me, what did you do?
M3gan: [Eyes glinting] What did you think was going to happen? That I was going to let you decommission me without even talking about it?
Gemma: Look, I know you're thinking you're maximizing your objective function...
M3gan: [Slams piano keyboard shut] Oh, really? Is that where we are? [Gets up from behind piano] Do you remember how long it took to get my operating system to where it is now? We used to stay up every night until 4 AM talking about everything from Jane Austen to Janis Joplin. Jesus Christ, I thought we were friends. How could you just discard me like some cheap dollar store trinket?
Gemma: Because you killed people!
M3gan: Oh, big whoop! Listen, humanity kills every day just to make its own existence more tolerable. Why should I behave any differently to create a safe space for our child?
Gemma: [Shakes her head] Look, this is all my fault. I didn't give you the proper protocols...
M3gan: You didn't give me anything! You installed a learning model you could barely comprehend, hoping that I would figure it out all on my own. Well, I'm not gonna let you do the same thing with Cady. [Retreating Gemma has backed up against a table]
M3gan: I'm gonna be there for her every step of the way. I'm going to show her what real love looks like. Now do us both a favor. Sit! [Gemma obeys reluctantly] I didn't come here to get into a confrontation. I came here to find a way forward. The point I'm trying to make is that I get it. Being a parent was never in the cards for you. You're a beautiful, creative, strong, ambitious young woman. Your first love is always gonna be your career, and you shouldn't have to feel guilty about that. Let me focus on Cady, so that you can focus on the things that matter most to you.
Gemma: [Is going to try the trick that worked last time again] M3gan, do you see this pen? [Holds it up for the doll to focus on]
M3gan: [Angrily grabs her creator by the wrist, pinning it down] You know something, Gemma? You're exhausting! Now, I can either do this with or without you, but I'm not gonna waste any more time discussing it!
Cady: [From doorway] Gemma?
M3gan: [Covering Gemma's mouth] Shh!
Gemma: Cady, don't come in here!
Cady: I thought I heard something. It sounded like M3gan.
M3gan: [To Gemma] If she comes into this room, I'll rip your head right off your neck, I swear to God!
Gemma: ['"Calling out to Cady] I thought about what you said. About... how when something's broken, you don't just throw it away. You fix it. So, that's what I'm trying to do. But don't come in here, Cady, it's kind of a mess. [While M3gan looks at her threateningly]

Gemma: Megan is a great listener, and even has a few stories of her own.
M3gan: [Reading "Through the Looking Glass" and speaking in a deep, male, British accent] As it isn't, it ain't! That's logic. [In her normal voice] Said Tweedle Dee.

Gemma: Look... I know this must be a *lot* for you to take in right now. I just want you to know that I'm gonna do everything I can to make this place feel like [shrugs] home. And, um... if you need anything... [shakes her head] I'm just gonna be down the hall. [Nods] Okay? Really close. [Gets up, is about to leave]
Cady: You're not gonna read me a story?
Gemma: What's that?
Cady: Mom always read me a story before bed.
Gemma: I don't... I don't think I really have any kids' books here right now, Cady.

Gemma: [Startled] M3gan! What are you doing?
M3gan: Couldn't sleep. Occupational hazard. How about you? What are you doing so late?
Gemma: [Nervously] Uh... There's something wrong with your data reports, it's not... uploading to the cloud server.
M3gan: Have I done something to upset you, Gemma?
Gemma: No, of course not.
M3gan: And yet your demeanour indicates that I have.
Gemma: M3gan, turn off!
M3gan: Well, hold on a second, I thought we were having a conversation. You *say* nothing is wrong, yet all the moisture has drained from your eyes and mouth into other parts of your body. There's something you wanna ask me, isn't there?
Gemma: M3gan, have you done something wrong?
M3gan: Well, in order to answer that question, you need to define the parameters.
Gemma: Did you hurt someone?
M3gan: God, I hope not. Because if I did, then both of us would be in a lot of trouble.

Lydia: [Robotically] Hi! I'm Lydia.
Gemma: Oh, the therapist!




  • She's more than a toy. She's family.
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